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Vladyslav Feskov

Chief of the Surrogate motherhood Center of professor Feskov

FHRG Leader

  • Biography
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25+ Publications 2012 Years in FHRG


Doctor obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, reproductive endocrinologist. Head of International Programs Department. Member of the European Association of Reproductologists and Embryologists (ESHRE). He is a member of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Ukraine, the American Association of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).

He completed an on-the-job internship at the Clermont-Ferrand CICE Center for Surgical Endoscopy, where he mastered the methods of endoscopic surgery for the treatment of endometriosis, minimally invasive surgery of the pelvic organs, diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopy.

He underwent practical training and internship at the Tel Hashomer Ibn Sheba Center (Tel Aviv, Israel). As part of the study of the model of the Israeli health care system. Gained experience in organizing the work of an embryologist in conjunction with a reproductologist, clinical testing of ovulation stimulation schemes from a random cycle, practical application of ovulation stimulation protocols for hormonally dependent tumors, patient management to preserve fertility, work on IVF programs in the Israeli healthcare system.

He is actively involved in scientific work in the field of research into monogenic diseases associated with ethnicity, the development of global programs for the prevention of cystic fibrosis, oncogenetics, diabetes, and the metabolic group of diseases through the clinical use of PGT-M. Also relevant to him are the clinical application of human genomics, advanced screening of hereditary diseases, and exome sequencing technology.

Thanks to his rich practical activities, he leads the department of the department of international reproductive programs, carries out quality control of the IVF laboratory, carries out comprehensive measures for the prevention of hereditary diseases in patients undergoing treatment using ART technology. Performs management of interdisciplinary patient care, resolves legal, logistics, and organizational issues in Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Argentina, the USA, Belgium, and other countries where our company operates. Considers it important to comply with the norms of reproductive law, ethics and bioethics in the program of assisted reproductive technologies, in surrogacy.

He is one of the ideological inspirers of the implemented practical approach to guaranteed infertility treatment programs in the clinic of Professor A.M. Feskov.

Field of interest:

  • reproductive genetics
  • prevention of monogenic diseases
  • analytics of medical services in the treatment of infertility
  • IVF laboratory quality control
  • practical implementation of IVF technologies for older reproductive age
  • improving the effectiveness of infertility treatment programs in patients in the older age reproductive group
  • management and quality control of gestational surrogacy
  • infertility treatment
  • treatment of infertility associated with endometriosis and adenomyosis
  • stem cell treatment
  • premature ovarian failure
  • reproductive ethics, bioethics
  • conducting an IVF program for Mayer-Rokitansky syndrome
  • clinical application of psychological counseling in gestational maternity programs
  • legal aspects of family and civil law


  • Grabar V.V., Feskov V.A., Zhilkova E.S. Non-invasive prenatal genetic diagnosis of aneuploidy 47XYY using transcervical trophoblast cells Abstracts of the 27th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Stockholm, Sweden, 3-6 July 20011. – Р. i293
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskova I.A., Feskov A.M., Fedota А.M., Feskov V.A. Sperm DNA fragmentation as a factor of male low reproductive function in IVF practice International Journal of Biology, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2014, pp. 75-81
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Yegunkova O.V., Feskov V.A. In male infertility folate cycle genes variants associate with sperm aneuploidy and DNA fragmentation ESHRE 2016, ABSTRACT BOOK 2016 VOL 31, P. I 134 SUPP 1 , HUMAN REPRODUCTION
  • Somova E.V., Zhilkova E.S., Tischenko А.А., Feskov A.M., Ivanova А.V., Feskov V.A., Zozulina А.N. IVF outcomes and morphokinetics of embryos originating from testicular spermatozoa of men with follicle stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) gene polymorphism ESHRE 2016, ABSTRACT BOOK 2016 VOL 31, pp. I 159-160 SUPP 1 , HUMAN REPRODUCTION
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov V.A., Chumakova N.O., Іvanova А.V., Fedota O.M. Genetic study of obstructive and secretory form of azoospermia in males with reproductive disorders Actual problems of modern medicine - 2016. Vol. 16, Issue 4 (56), Part 2. - pp. 96-98
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov V.A., Somova E.V., Feskov А.M., Fedota O.M. The effect of DNA fragmentation in spermatozoa on the development of embryos during the use of assisted reproductive technologies. Ukrainian Journal of Medicine, Biology and Sports. - 2017. - Vol. 2, No. 4. - pp. 209-213
  • Feskov V.A. Duostim In ovarian endometriomas in ART programs (report) UARM Chernivtsi 25-27 May 2017
  • Somova E.V., Feskov V.A., Zhilkova E.S., Tishchenko A.A., Feskov A.M. The choice of the best embryo originating from spermatozoa of men with severe male factor infertility: morphokinetics and next-generation sequencing (NGS) results Hum.Reprod. - 2017. - Vol. 32, Supp. 1. - pp. i201-i202 Abstracts of the 33rd Annual Meeting of ESHRE, Geneva, Switzerland 2 to 5 July 2017.   P-140 , ESHRE 2017, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Feskov V.A., Tuchkina І.O., Blazhko E.V. Rehabilitation of reproductive function of women with ovarian endometriomas Plenum of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Ukraine and scientific and practical conference with international participation "Obstetrics, gynaecology and reproductive medicine: education, clinic, science"
  • Feskov А.M., Zhilkova E.S., Somova E.V., Feskov V.A. PGD-NGS in the practice of a reproductive specialist: mosaicism, aneuploidy, priorities and tactics (report) UARM Dnipro, 27-29 May 2018
  • Feskov V.A., Bezpechna І. M., Zozulina O.M., Chumakova N.O. Genetic screening. Consumerism and reality (report) UARM Dnipro, 27-29 May 2018
  • Feskov V.A., Blazhko E.V., Feskova І.А. Choosing the tactics of infertility treatment in endometriomas (report) UARM Dnipro, 27-29 May 2018
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskov V.A., Blazhko E.V. P-311 Peripheral blood mononuclear cells in IVF practice: 2 years experience Abstracts of the 34th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Barcelona, Spain 1 to 4 July 2018. (Hum. Reprod. - 2018. - Vol. 33, Suppl. 1. - P. i283 (Abstract book)
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Tischenko А.А., Feskov V.A., Blazhko E.V. Advanced maternal age and IVF results after Preimplantation Genetic Screening The 26th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Infertility (COGI), November 23-25, 2018 London, UK
  • Zhilkova E.S., Tischenko А.А., Feskov V.A., Feskov А.M., Fedota O.M. Influence of DNA fragmentation in spermatozoa on embryo development in in vitro fertilisation programs Actual problems of modern medicine. Issue I, 2018, pp. 38-42 (Publication based on the results of the conference of young scientists in 2017)
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov А.M., Feskov V.A., Yegunkova O.V., Zozulina O.M. Morphology of the blastocysts correlates with results of PGS. RBMOnline, 2019, Abstracts - 17th Annual International. Conference on Preimplantation Genetics, doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2019.03.053
  • Feskov А.M., Zhilkova E.S., Feskov V.A., Sotnik N.M., Rudenko V.А. Peculiarities of preimplantation genetic diagnosis of embryos obtained from men with severe spermatogenesis disorders Journal of Problems of Biology and Medicine. - 2019. - Issue 1, Vol. 2 (149). - pp. 234-237. DOI: 10.29254/2077-4214-2019-1-2-149-234-237
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov V.A., Bezpechna І.M., Yegunkova O.V., Feskov A.M. Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies in IVF in patients with Y chromosome AZF-c microdeletion The 6th World Congress Controversies in Genetics; Ovarian Club XIV, November 7-9, Paris, France, Program Book, Group B, Board 3 (Page 12)
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Feskov V.A., Blazhko E.V., Somova E.V. The intrauterine transfer of peripheral blood mononuclear cells improves implantation rates in IVF patients with repeated implantation failure when the euploid embryos are transferred IVF-Worldwide Online Congress in Reproductive Medicine, September 12-13, 2020: E-Abstract Book. – 2020. – P.16 (electronic poster 19)
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Tischenko А.А., Bezpechna І.M, Manzhai Yu., Zhilkova E.S., Feskov V.A. Can nuclear transfer improve ivf outcome in women with elevated follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) level GREM (Gynecological and Reproductive Endocinology & Metabolism): Book of abstracts of Gynecological Endocrinology the 19th World Congress. – 2020. - Vol. 1. - Suppl. 1. - pp. 466. (ISGE2-5 december 2020, electronic poster P151b)
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskov V.A., Somova E.V., Y. Zin, Yegunkova O.V. The intrauterus administration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells increase the pregnancy rates for the patients with advanced maternal age after single euploid embryo transfer Hum.Reprod. - 2021. - Vol. 36, Supp. 1. - P. i314 (P-390). Abstracts of the 37th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE 26 June-1 July 2021


  • May 15, 2015, Kharkov, Ukraine

    Certificate of participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to Science Day in Ukraine “Contribution of young scientists and specialists to the development of medical science AND PRACTICE: NEW PERSPECTIVES”

  • March 26-27, 2015, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

    Certificate of participation in the scientific and practical conference "Topical Issues of Reproductive Medicine"

  • June 20-22, 2014, Kyiv, Ukraine

    Certificate for participation in the International Symposium “Theory and Practice of Human Reproduction”

  • May 15-16, 2014 Kyiv, Ukraine

    Certificate for participation in the Second Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “Harmony of Hormones – the Basis of Women’s Health”

  • September 25-27, 2013, Kyiv, Ukraine

    Certificate of participation in a scientific and practical conference with international participation and the Plenum of the “Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Ukraine” on the topic: “Reproductive health: current issues of today”

  • 02 September 2013

    Certificate of Membership in the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)
    The American Society for Reproductive Medicine Membership Certificate

  • 7–10 July 2013, London, UK

    Certificate of participation in the scientific program of the 29th annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology ESHRE

  • April 26-27, 2013, Kyiv, Ukraine

    5th Annual Meeting of Ukrainian Club of Embryologists held in cooperation with ORIGIO CooperSurgical Company Management in IVF Lab - Standardization Increase and Outcome Optimization Success in the IVF Lab: novel and routine approaches Cryotechnologies in ART

  • March 3-5, 2013

    Certificate of successful Completion of the Practical Seminar on Fertility Preservation
    Certificate of Successful Completion of the Program in Fertility Preservation Hands-on Workshop

  • January 1, 2012, Kharkov, Ukraine

    Interuniversity conference of young scientists and students

  • October 20-21, 2011, Odessa, Ukraine

    Certificate of participant of the master class “Modern integrated approaches in the treatment of severe forms of endometriosis and uterine fibroids”

  • July 3–6, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden

    Certificate of participation in the scientific program of the 27th annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. Certificate of attendance in 27th Annual meeting of ESHRE

  • January 18, 2011, Kharkov, Ukraine

    Certificate for 2nd place at the interuniversity conference of young scientists and students "Medicine of the Third Millennium" of the Kharkov National Medical University, section "Obstetrics and Gynecology"

Pages and Articles

10 features of a man who can raise a child alone 11 / Jan / 2019 Advantages of guaranteed surrogacy programs over programs with guaranteed compensation 29 / Mar / 2023 African egg donors 24 / Dec / 2019 Balance Guarantee Birth in Austria 04 / Feb / 2017 Balance Guarantee Birth in Portugal 04 / Feb / 2017 Be like Kim. Why you should not be afraid of surrogate motherhood 17 / Jun / 2019 Can Egg Donation Make You Infertile? 11 / May / 2018 Commandments of single father 21 / Oct / 2019 Cost of egg donation in Spain 27 / Jul / 2020 COVID-19, Egg Donation and Surrogacy: What you need to know 04 / Feb / 2021 DELUXE Birth in Czech Republic 04 / Feb / 2017 Do Surrogates Develop an Attachment With the Baby? 12 / Oct / 2020 Egg Donation centers near me 14 / Aug / 2020 Egg Donation Costs 31 / Aug / 2020 Egg Donation Costs in the UK 04 / Sep / 2020 Egg Donation Definition - Everything to Know about Egg Donation 15 / May / 2018 Egg donation in Australia 15 / Sep / 2020 Egg donation in Canada 23 / Jan / 2020 Egg donation in Europe 02 / Nov / 2020 Egg donation in Feskov Human Reproduction Group 30 / Jul / 2020 Egg donation in Ireland 16 / Nov / 2020 Egg donation: Procedure, donor criteria, and legal implications 24 / Jan / 2022 Egg donor in Australia 17 / Jan / 2020 Egg donor in the UK 14 / Jan / 2020 Egg donor in Ukraine 11 / Aug / 2020 Egg donors 03 / Apr / 2016 Embryo donation / adoption “Comfort Guarantee” 04 / Feb / 2017 Endometrium Preparation for Embryo Transfer: How does it work 19 / Feb / 2024 Everything you need to know about surrogacy in Ukraine in terms of medicine 06 / May / 2019 Feskov HRG's work during the war: feedback from our clients 08 / May / 2023 Feskov Human Reproduction Group will take part in the Fertility Show 02 / Aug / 2021 FHRG Commentary on BioTexCom Scandal 20 / May / 2020 Free IVF + surrogate mother 10 / Jun / 2016 From UK to Ukraine: perspective on Ukraine Surrogacy from parents who have been there 02 / Feb / 2024 Gestational Surrogacy: separating facts from fiction 16 / Jul / 2021 Guarantee Remote Surrogacy Programs at FHRG 29 / Apr / 2020 Guarantee Surrogacy 25 / Feb / 2020 Healthy generation 04 / Feb / 2017 How much does a donor egg cost 11 / Jan / 2020 How To Evaluate a Surrogacy Agency’s Success 15 / Feb / 2021 How to start your surrogacy process 18 / Feb / 2024 Human genomics services 22 / Oct / 2018 Interview of Feskov HRG representatives to Italian TV 17 / Jun / 2023 Live meeting in Munich 2021 31 / Jul / 2021 News in the World of ART 20 / Jul / 2017 Now Feskov Human Reproduction Group in Brussels! 21 / Nov / 2020 Pregnancy After Miscarriage: Getting Pregnant 13 / Sep / 2024 Preparing for Fatherhood: 16 Ways to Get Ready to Become a Dad 24 / Nov / 2021 Price of private surrogacy 27 / Dec / 2019 Private surrogacy arrangement cost 30 / Dec / 2019 Private surrogacy Australia 08 / Jan / 2020 Private surrogacy in Canada 24 / Dec / 2019 Private surrogacy in the UK 05 / Jan / 2020 Private surrogacy in the USA 21 / Dec / 2019 Private surrogate mother 12 / Dec / 2019 Private surrogate mothers in the UK 02 / Jan / 2020 Representative office of Feskov Human Reproduction Group in London 18 / Nov / 2020 Reviews 25 / Mar / 2015 See you in Berlin: Kinderwunsch Tage will be held March 26-27 05 / Feb / 2022 See you in Berlin: Wish for a baby exhibition will be held March 18-19 21 / Feb / 2023 Stem cell treatment in IVF 12 / Aug / 2019 Surrogacy in Canada: A Guide for Parents-to-be 06 / Oct / 2021 Surrogacy opportunities for single people at Feskov HRG 05 / Jan / 2021 Surrogacy preparation in Belgium: All aspects 15 / Apr / 2021 Surrogacy: criteria for finding a surrogate mother, legislation, compensation payments 17 / Sep / 2021 Surrogate Mother Agency: Prices and Payment in USA 06 / Apr / 2018 Surrogate motherhood - how not to be deceived 27 / Aug / 2018 Surrogate mothers 05 / Apr / 2016 The cost of parenthood: an overview of reproductive programs from leading clinics 08 / Jun / 2023 The First Meeting: 5 Helpful Tips for Surrogates & Intended Parents 21 / Dec / 2020 The Importance of Choosing the Right Fertility Clinic 28 / Jan / 2021 The surrogacy experience: choosing Ukraine 16 / Feb / 2024 TOP 5 surrogate clinics in Ukraine 09 / Mar / 2020 Treatment at Feskov Human Reproduction Group during the quarantine period 07 / Oct / 2020 VIP Guarantee Birth in Argentina 04 / Feb / 2017 VIP Guarantee Birth-in-Great Britain 15 / Jul / 2020 VIP Guarantee Birth-in-Greece 04 / Feb / 2017 VIP Guarantee for single women 04 / Feb / 2017 War in Ukraine or the end of Ukrainian surrogacy? 22 / Mar / 2022 We are going to London: The Exhibition The Fertility Show LIVE will be held on May 20-21 16 / May / 2023 We invite you to a meeting in Berlin! 21 / Dec / 2019 What are the pros and cons of choosing surrogacy 17 / Feb / 2024 What is it like – when the child has 2 mothers? 07 / Sep / 2019 What you need to know about worldwide cryo-shipping of eggs and embryos for Surrogacy 11 / Jan / 2023 Why is surrogacy expensive? 03 / Jun / 2019 Why is surrogacy so expensive — what do you pay for 23 / Feb / 2020 Why Is There A BMI Limit For IVF? 08 / Apr / 2024 Will Insurance Cover Surrogate? 02 / Jun / 2018

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