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VIP Guarantee Birth-in-Great Britain

Guaranteed birth of child in Great Britain. Legal obtaining of Great Britain birth certificate 120 000€
  • 10

    Legal support

  • 1

    Birth of healthy child

  • 9

    Cover of all risks

  • 12

    Stress-free process

  • 11

    An ideal and productive solution for UK citizens

Analytical step
  • Male partner examination before IVF
  • Andrological examination: FISH, DNA-fragmentation, HBA-test
  • Cryopreservation of semen + storage up to baby birth
  • Egg donor (s) selection and preparation
  • Staying in VIP room of clinic / hotel VIP level, meals
Selection of a healthy embryo + embryo transfer
  • Unlimited number of IVF programs with egg donor up to pregnancy obtaining
  • IVF+ICSI program + embryos cryopreservation
  • PICSI,IMSI (special methods for spermatozoa selection)
  • Preimplantation genetic diagnostics full genome screening by NGS
  • Surrogate mother(s) matching, providing for preparation for embryo transfer
  • Unlimited quantity of embryo transfers only healthy embryos
Medical monitoring of pregnancy + delivery in United Kingdom of Great Britain
  • Pregnancy management, transfer and living expenses for surrogate mother
  • Pregnancy care in Ukraine until 6th month
  • Insurance for surrogate mother (on 12th weeks of pregnancy)
  • Pregnancy care after 6th month and delivery in UK
  • Full compensation for surrogate mother participation, including compensation during the pregnancy
  • Providing new IVF+PGD (NGS) program with surrogate mother services and egg donation in case of pregnancy termination in all terms
Documents registration
  • Legal assistance in the issue of registration of documents for newborn child up to obtain parental order #1
Total amount:
120 000€
Request more information on the services provided by Feskov Human Reproduction Group.

We will put you in direct contact with the manager of the service you selected. You will be contacted as soon as possible.

  • 01

    Final decision for acceptance of man to program is making by IVF doctor of CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov»

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    Medical examinations must be perform in CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov» only

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    Payments according to individual schedule. No additional payments.
    *There are limitations for coverage of complications in case of preterm baby birth, baby death. Last payment can be changed according to the kind of complication occurred. Current conditions are linked with features of UK Healthcare system

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    According to conditions of package, CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov» provides Service of guarantee live birth of healthy child ; in cases of Miscarriage independently on term of pregnancy / child death before delivery / whole program will be done until Customer will have a baby.
    Management of multiple pregnancy (twins) is covered by the contract conditions, obtained after transfer of one embryo

  • 01

    No later than 14 banking days from the moment of signing the present Contract

    30 000 €
  • 02

    Within 7 banking days before the start of IVF program

    30 000 €
  • 03

    On 12th week of gestation (embryo term)

    30 000 €
  • 06

    On 32th week of gestation (embryo term)

    30 000 €
Total amount:
120 000€

International surrogacy program with childbirth in the Great Britain

How is surrogacy regulated in the Great Britain?

Opportunity to become legal parents in the Great Britain with guarantees at Ukrainian prices

How to start surrogacy process UK? Stages of the package surrogacy program "Childbirth in the Great Britain"

This information is presented for informational purposes and shows the possibilities of using this or that reproductive technology in the territory of Ukraine or another country where our clinic can be represented.

By accessing this website, you agree to the user agreement on the Agreement page.
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