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15 facts about Surrogacy

  1. Types of surrogacy
  2. Reasons for surrogacy. To whom surrogacy services are rendered
  3. Successful examples of surrogacy
  4. Uterus transplantation as an alternative to surrogacy
  5. In which countries is surrogacy prohibited or permitted?
  6. Best countries for surrogacy
  7. Where to go and what is better - a surrogacy agency or clinic?
  8. How to choose a surrogacy agency or clinic
  9. What is the fee for a surrogacy agency?
  10. What surrogacy consists of
  11. Surrogacy process, stages
  12. Surrogacy recommendations: how to get quality services and save money?
  13. Pros and cons of uterine transplantation
  14. Where to begin. How does uterine transplantation occur?
  15. Determine in which country it is better to use surrogacy for you personally

The American professor Bruno Lunenfeld, the general secretary of the Asian-Pacific Initiative on Reproduction, President of ISSAM, reports that, as of now, over 12 million babies have been born as a result of ART. Thanks to progressive assisted reproductive technology, already in the 80s the number of successful deliveries increased from 5-10%, and now their number reaches 40%.

The inability to conceive a baby in the conventional way forces couples to use assisted reproductive technology, such as pre-implantation genetic diagnostics, surrogacy, and human genomics. In this case, another woman carries and gives birth to a child for a couple.

Types of surrogacy

To better understand what kind of surrogacy is recommended and available to a childless couple, let us first consider the following types of surrogacy:


traditional surrogacy
Traditional Surrogacy
gestational surrogacy
Gestational Surrogacy


  • Traditional surrogacy – a surrogate mother is the genetic mother of a child, because her own egg, fertilized by the material of a future father or a donor, is used for pregnancy. Rarely used for moral and ethical reasons, since it happens that a surrogate mother does not want to give the newborn, considering it her own.
  • Gestational surrogacy – the most common type, a successful combination of the achievements of biology, medicine, science and technology. In this case, the egg of a future mother or donor is fertilized by IVF and is placed into the uterus of a surrogate mother for gestation. In this case there is no genetic relationship between the surrogate mother and the child. And the child is 100% genetically-related to a couple. Since the egg was taken from the uterus and fertilized, the egg and the resulting embryo are examined so that the latter is healthy and the transfer is as successful as possible. All this allows us to say that the most optimal reproductive solution is gestational surrogacy.

In the latter, the following types can be distinguished:

  • surrogacy with an own embryo. If a woman’s ovaries function normally, she undergoes hormonal stimulation, after which mature eggs are taken by follicular puncture. They are fertilized with the biological material of the father or donor. After a few days, the resulting healthy embryo is transferred into the uterus of a surrogate mother.
  • surrogacy with egg donation. It is used when a future mother has problems with her own healthy eggs. Then a most suitable oocyte donor is selected, after hormonal therapy, oocytes are taken from her and fertilized. After that, healthy embryos are implanted in the uterine cavity of a surrogate mother. In this case, there is no genetic relationship between the child and the surrogate mother as well. The genetic relationship of the child is 50% of the egg donor and 50% of the man of the couple who asked for this procedure.
  • surrogacy with an own surrogate mother. In this case, a couple comes to the clinic with their surrogate mother. This may be a relative or close friend. This type has several advantages. Firstly, it is “your own person”, surrogate mother emotionally or genetically close to future parents. Secondly, they know her well (health, habits, character traits) and trust her. Thirdly, you save on selection and remuneration services.


surrogacy with an own embryo
Surrogacy with an own embryo
surrogacy with egg donation
Surrogacy with egg donation
surrogacy with an own surrogate mother
Surrogacy with an own surrogate mother


The most important criterion for the availability of surrogacy is the remuneration for a surrogate mother. In this case, surrogacy can be:

  • Altruistic surrogacy – a surrogate mother does not receive a separate reward for carrying and giving birth to a child. But future parents are obliged to reimburse all expenses incurred by her - legal, medical, expenses for food, clothes, transfer, accommodation, etc. This type occurs in cases when a surrogate acts by mutual agreement.
  • Commercial surrogacy – when a woman who carried and gave birth to a baby for another family receives a separate monetary reward. Moreover, all the costs of pregnancy are also reimbursed by the parents of a newborn.

Reasons for surrogacy. To whom surrogacy services are rendered

Surrogacy in most cases is used to treat female and even male infertility. However, it also happens as a consequence of a social phenomenon. The following life circumstances force people to turn to a surrogate mother for help:

  • Male infertility (problems with sperm, previous infections, congenital abnormalities of the reproductive organs, etc.);
  • Loss of the uterus as an organ (accidents, tragic cases, operations, septic processes);
  • Abnormalities of female reproductive organs (anomalies of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, etc.);
  • Anomalies of the uterus and cervix (endometrial defects, abortion, curettage, conization and other surgical interventions);
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Endocrine disorders (stress, infections, congenital anomalies);
  • Anomalies that can lead to a lethal outcome (heart defects, cardiovascular diseases, etc.);
  • Numerous unsuccessful IVF attempts (more than 4 times);
  • Immunological incompatibility (when a woman's immune system rejects a man’s sperm and kills it);
  • Age (when a woman is not capable of carrying a baby and delivering due to age);
  • Social and psychological conditions or deviations of a man or woman that make reproduction impossible;
  • Loss of a close relative and the wish to preserve memory of him through a child from his genetic material;
  • A busy work schedule and unwillingness to fall out from active life (business women, politicians, actresses, etc.);
  • Unwillingness to spoil the figure with gestation and childbirth (models, actresses, public people, etc.);

In a number of countries where surrogacy is allowed, it is impossible to turn to a surrogate mother for a service without a direct medical prescription (for example, in Russia, Belarus, Georgia, etc.). The clinics warn in advance of this limitation. But often, in such cases, the clinics conduct an examination, and their specialists give such a conclusion.

Successful examples of surrogacy

Since the service itself is delicate and confidential, the doctors cooperate in the conditions of non-disclosure, a clause that is necessarily written in the contract. Therefore, the most striking example of surrogacy are people who are always in sight - artists, actors, politicians, just rich people. In the world elite, surrogacy services are becoming more and more popular.

For example, the king of pop Michael Jackson became the father of his third child from a surrogate mother. The star of the series “Sex and the City” Sarah Jessica Parker used the service of a surrogate mother and now brings up two twin girls. And the legendary football player Cristiano Ronaldo became dad three times, and all thanks to a surrogate mother. The outrageous celebrity Kim Kardashian and rapper Kanye West experienced the joy of parenthood for the third time after the birth of the baby Chicago from a surrogate mother. Maestro Elton John and his partner David Furnish, after an unsuccessful attempt to adopt a Ukrainian baby, decided to turn to the services of a surrogate mother twice. Now the star couple are the parents of two healthy boys. And the singer and actress Kandi Burrus recently became the mother for the third time, and also thanks to surrogacy. There are many such cases, which gives evidence that surrogacy is effective and safe.

Uterus transplantation as an alternative to surrogacy

What if a woman wants to carry and give birth to a child herself, without involving another woman? Or if a couple is very conservative and religious, and faith forbids the use of such modern ART method as surrogacy? There is an alternative in the form of uterine transplantation.

A uterine transplant is a surgical operation in which a healthy organ is transplanted into another woman's body. Transplantation is performed only from close relatives (sister, mother, father's or mother's sisters) for a better match of the type of blood and tissues.


uterus transplantation


Pros and cons of uterine transplantation

Let us consider the advantages of this method to combate infertility:

  • The ability of a woman to carry and give birth to an own baby by herself;
  • The ability to get pregnant using IVF or naturally;
  • Participation in the process only of close people.

Now let us pay attention to the weaknesses of the method:

  • The medical community classifies these operations as experimental and considers them physically and psychologically difficult, both for the donor and the recipient [https://www.asrm.org]
  • An operation injury during the transplant procedure. Often, after giving birth, the uterus still has to be removed;
  • The need for immunosuppressive therapy (suppressing immunity), so that the body does not reject the transplanted organ. This impacts significantly the health of the recipient.
  • The need for hormone replacement therapy;
  • The need for IVF (creation and cryopreservation of embryos) so that immunosuppression does not have the negative impact on the future child - therefore, uterine transplantation does not solve the problem of the prohibition of human intervention in the birth of a child by religion;
  • During gestation, drugs that the pregnant woman will have to take in order to maintain her health, will effect the child’s development
  • Risks to life and health can arise at all stages of the procedure. [https://www.asrm.org]

Where to begin. How does uterine transplantation occur?

When a couple turns for uterine transplantation, the specialists:

  1. Assess the condition of the uterus of the donor and the recipient, as well as the general state of health of both. A thorough examination is carried out to determine the feasibility of such an operation;
  2. Do IVF to create a sufficient number of healthy embryos so as not to harm the future baby by immunosuppression. In addition, after immunosuppressive therapy, normal oocytes cannot be obtained.
  3. Conduct genetic screening, determine the sex of the child (PGD / NGS).
  4. Carry out a uterine transplant.
  5. Prescribe a course of immunosuppression.
  6. After a rehabilitation period, you can become pregnant through an IVF program (most often, since immunosuppressants make it difficult to conceive) or naturally.

Based on the foregoing, it is clear that for the successful completion of a set of tasks, from transplantation of the uterus to the birth of a healthy child, it is necessary to have too many positive factors. Ukrainian transplantologists have an impressive experience in uterine transplantation. The Prof. Feskov Clinic offers its clients a similar operation in rare and complex cases. When the donor and the recipient have satisfactory somatic health, and the transplanted uterus is biologically sound in order to fully perform its function. All this is determined already at the preliminary consultation. The preferred recommendation, confirmed by our experience and knowledge, is surrogacy. If we compare this method with surrogacy, then its effectiveness is lower, and the price, respectively, is higher, as are the risks. [https://www.eshre.eu] Operation itself, medication, rehabilitation require large expenses, both material and moral. For guaranteed success, surrogacy packages are the optimal solution.

In which countries is surrogacy prohibited or permitted?

The attitude in society towards surrogacy is ambiguous. Some believe that this is an immoral act of turning a child into a product and exploiting the female body. Others think that this is the only opportunity for childless people to get a genetically own baby. We discussed this issue in our other article.

Let us dwell in more detail on state regulation of this issue. Surrogacy is strictly prohibited by law in Muslim countries - Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, as well as in Japan and China. Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, France, Norway, Austria forbid at the legislative level to use surrogacy. Some states of America - Arizona, New Jersey, Michigan also prohibit this.


Determine in which country it is better to use surrogacy for you personally

Choose your country of citizenship:

You are:

Legal Guarantees:


There are jurisdictions that allow the use of surrogate services, but on an altruistic basis - these are the Australian state of Victoria, Portugal, Canada, Great Britain, the US states of New Hampshire, Virginia.

Ukrainian laws are loyal to the problems of infertile couples. The procedure and conditions of these programs are governed by a variety of regulations, such as the Family and Civil Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine 'Fundamentals of the Ukrainian legislation on health care,' special order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine from 09.09.2013, the number 787, as well as a number of other regulatory acts.
These regulations do not prohibit the passage of surrogacy programs in Ukraine for its citizens as well as citizens of other countries.

In many European countries, such as Belgium, Spain, Greece, the Czech Republic, there are no clearly defined legislative acts on surrogacy, but in fact it takes place. This means that future parents do not receive any legal guarantees - a surrogate mother can take the newborn for herself, and they, having paid for procedures, will be left with nothing.

It is worth noting that in some countries (Canada, the Netherlands, Finland), the relevant law prohibits anonymity in matters of surrogacy, IVF or donation of biological material. This also obliges parents to provide complete information about the donor and the facts of birth the child over 18 years of age.



Country Rules regulating surrogacy Risks/advantages For foreign citizens Type of surrogacy
Albania not regulated by law no legal guarantees + commercial
Argentina no final laws no legal guarantees    
Armenia allowed specific mentality, strict traditions, medum quality medicine   commercial
Australia no clear laws no legal guarantees, anonymity prohibited + altruistic
Austria prohibited - - -
Azerbaijan prohibited - - -
Belarus allowed for heterosexual couples and single women for medical reasons citizenship for baby, medum quality medicine + commercial
Belgium not regulated by law no legal guarantees - -
Brazil no final laws, for medical reasons no legal guarantees   altruistic
Bulgaria allowed for heterosexual couples citizens of the country for medical reasons partial limitation - altruistic
Cambodia prohibited - - -
Canada Completely allowed, except Quebec citizenship for baby, anonymity prohibited + altruistic, not more than 22 000$
Chile not regulated by law no legal guarantees - -
China prohibited - - -
Colombia no final laws no legal guarantees - -
Croatia prohibited - - -
Cyprus no final laws no legal guarantees - altruistic
Czechia not regulated by law citizenship for baby +  
Denmark prohibited - - -
Ecuador no final laws no legal guarantees - -
Egypt prohibited - - -
Estonia prohibited - - -
Finland prohibited - - -
France prohibited - - -
Georgia allowed for heterosexual couples for medical reasons citizenship for baby/ strict traditions, medum quality medicine + commercial
Germany prohibited - - -
Great Britain legalized only for citizens no legal guarantees, anonymity prohibited, citizenship of parents is required - altruistic
Greece allowed for heterosexual couples and single women for medical reasons citizenship for baby + commercial, not more than 12 000 euro
Hong Kong Not used - - -
Hungary prohibited - - -
Iceland prohibited - - -
India allowed for indian heterosexual couples for medical reasons citizenship of parents is required - altruistic
Indonesia Not used - - -
Ireland The laws are being developed no legal guarantees - -
Israel allowed for Israeli heterosexual couples citizenship of parents is required - commercial
Italy prohibited - - -
Japan prohibited - -- -
Jordan Not used - - -
Kazakhstan allowed for heterosexual couples birth certificate issued immediately, medum quality medicine +  
Kenya allowed birth certificate issued immediately, low quality medicine, specific phenotype +  
Korea no final laws no legal guarantees   -
Kyrgyzstan allowed for heterosexual couples specific mentality, strict traditions, low quality medicine   commercial
Laos no final laws no legal guarantees +  
Latvia prohibited - - -
Lithuania prohibited - - -
Luxembourg prohibited - - -
Malaysia Not used - - -
Malta prohibited - - -
Mexico no final laws no legal guarantees - -
Moldova prohibited - - -
Morocco Not used - - -
Nepal prohibited - - -
Netherlands no final laws, advertising the service is prohibited no legal guarantees, anonymity prohibited - altruistic
New Zealand no clear laws no legal guarantees, anonymity prohibited + altruistic
Nigeria not regulated by law no legal guarantees +  
Norway prohibited - - -
Pakistan prohibited - - -
Pakistan prohibited - -- -
Peru prohibited - - -
Philippines prohibited - - -
Poland prohibited - - -
Portugal allowed for heterosexual couples for medical reasons anonymity prohibited + altruistic
Romania prohibited - - -
Russia allowed for heterosexual couples and single women for medical reasons citizenship for baby, not full legal guarantees + commercial
Saudi Arabia prohibited - - -
Serbia prohibited - - -
Singapore prohibited - - -
Slovakia prohibited - - -
Slovenia prohibited - - -
South Africa Only for citizens no legal guarantees - altruistic
Spain prohibited - - -
Sweden prohibited - - -
Switzerland prohibited - - -
Taiwan prohibited - - -
Thailand prohibited - - -
Turkey prohibited - - -
Ukraine allowed for heterosexual couples for medical reasons citizenship for baby + commercial
Uruguay Not used - - -
USA Completely allowed, except some states citizenship for baby + commercial
Venezuela Not used - - -
Vietnam prohibited - - -


Best countries for surrogacy

At the same time, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, many US states have fully legalized this method of reproduction. It is successfully used by people who want to have a baby.

Bill Houghton, head of Sensible Surrogacy, a consulting company, said: “These are mainly representatives from England, Sweden, Germany and France. Half of them are traditional couples, half are homosexual.” At the same time, it is even more difficult for representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation - they can use to this service without problems only in the USA and Canada.

With all the advantages of the countries of North America in this matter, in Canada there are a number of restrictions on surrogate motherhood, and in the USA it is very expensive. Not every childless couple can afford such a luxury.

On the European continent, only in Greece and the Czech Republic is it possible to use the services of a surrogate mother, and even then with restrictions. For example, in the Czech Republic, a surrogate may leave the child with her until she signs child abandonment. And after the surrogate’s child abandonment, future parents will have to go through the bureaucratic procedure of adopting their own child. And the fact that it is simplified does not console much. And in Greece, to become full-fledged parents, a court decision is required; without it, the surrogate is recognized as the mother of the child.

The surrogacy service is also allowed in Kenya, but the specific African phenotype, the level of medical service and the particular location make this state not very popular for surrogacy tourism.

Surrogacy is legal in Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Armenia. However, there are pitfalls. In Georgia, the quality of medicine is not very high, the Georgian phenotype is specific (in case of oocyte donation) and there are strict conservative traditions. The same is true of Armenia and Kazakhstan. Surrogacy here seems to be allowed (with certain restrictions), but in practice it is almost never used.

Russia is a rather loyal country to surrogacy, but excesses are also possible here, since the concluded service agreement does not give any guarantees for its execution. It happened in the case of the Frolov family and the surrogate mother T. Suzdaleva. Despite the court decision in favor of the Frolovs, Suzdaleva continued litigation throughout the year so as not to give the two boys to their biological parents. [https://spb.aif.ru]

Based on the foregoing, the benefits of Ukraine are obvious here – a convenient geographical position, health and cleanliness of Ukrainian women, loyal laws, medical services and high-level services with guarantees, and prices are much lower. Below you can compare the prices for surrogacy in different countries:

Country Price Legalization of a child Quality of medicine Advantages
Russia 60 - 80 000€ Child abandonment of the surrogate mom, birth certificate issued High enough level citizenship
Ukraine 50 - 80 000€ Birth certificate issued High enough level citizenship
Greece 75 - 85 000€ Simplified adoption High enough level  
Czech Republic


65 - 85 000€ Child abandonment of the surrogate mom, simplified adoption.
The surrogate mother can keep the baby
High level citizenship
Georgia 30 - 60 000€ Birth certificate issued immediately, child abandonment of the surrogate mother not needed Average level citizenship
Kenya 40 - 50 000€ Birth certificate issued immediately, child abandonment of the surrogate mom not needed Average level  
Canada 100 - 110 000€ Birth certificate issued immediately Very high level citizenship
The USA 110 - 180 000€ Birth certificate issued immediately Average to very high level citizenship

Table 1.

We have every reason to affirm that Ukraine is one of the world centers for surrogacy.


prof. Feskov A.M.Over the past 18 years, with the direct use of ART programs, more than 54 thousand babies were born in the country. Due to progress in Ukrainian reproductive science, high fertility rates for children under the surrogacy program have been obtained.Feskov A.M. Prof. of Medical Sciences, member of ASRM, ESHRE, UARM


These numbers are approximate and may vary depending on the conditions of the program. For example, some clinics in Ukraine provide a very high quality of medicine through cooperation with American clinics, but the price of the contract is lower than a direct contract with an American institution.

Where to go and what is better - a surrogacy agency or clinic?

Usually a childless couple turns to a surrogate agency that provides a database of surrogate mothers and egg donors (if required), and also finds a suitable clinic. An agency also leads the whole process from beginning to end, provides legal, consulting and other intermediary services. But you can go directly to a reproductive clinic. Note that there are clinics that do not work directly with a client, but only through an agency. But there are also clinics that do not work with agencies. The latter necessarily have their own base of surrogate mothers and donors. Compare the advantages of both cases:

  • Usually, agency staff are experienced and competent, understand the problems and doubts of a client, thanks to extensive practice;
  • An agency can offer a choice of several clinics, according to customer requests;
  • An agency and a clinic may be in different countries, which entails additional costs for traveling and transporting oocytes + waiting time;
  • A clinic has no interest in necessarily successful transfer, because an agency pays the clinic simply for IVF transfer;
  • When involving both agencies and clinics in the process, responsibility to future parents is distributed, which may entail bureaucratic disputes and disagreements;
  • Surrogate mothers and donors undergo a deeper medical examination, as a clinic is personally interested in them;
  • Small agencies or those working on the principle of network, can easily be closed, change offices. A clinic has a building with a Medical license, staff, expensive laboratories, operating rooms, a hospital, it carries a guarantee of stability and can be easy verified.
  • Agencies often practice a variety of premiums and interest on payments, which can be quite high in total.

Thus, there is both an advantage of working with a mediation agency and risks.

How to choose a surrogacy agency or clinic

Often people wonder how to find a serious reproductive clinic and determine its reliability. Based on our experience, we provide the following criteria that will help choose a well-established and trustworthy medical institution:

  1. All necessary permits and qualification documents that allow to carry out ART programs;
  2. Experience and duration of work of the institution in the field of reproductive medicine;
  3. Reputation in the marketplace, customer reviews and recommendations;
  4. Modern high-tech equipment that allows to carry out pre-implantation genetic diagnostics, determine the sex of a child, etc .;
  5. Provision of advanced (legal, consulting, guest, etc.) services;
  6. Proven databases of surrogate mothers and oocyte donors;
  7. Cooperation with other countries (representation), so that, if necessary, you can turn to an external database of surrogate mothers and donors.
  8. All-inclusive package programs for various budgets with legal guarantees without additional costs.
  9. An account with a reliable bank in a stable country.

In turn, let us also consider the criteria of reliability of a surrogate agency:

  1. The institution must have all the necessary documents for mediation in this area;
  2. Duration of work in the market for surrogacy services and experience;
  3. Reviews of former customers, reputation;
  4. The provision of a full range of services - consulting, legal, guest, coordinator ones and others;
  5. Availability of a database of surrogate mothers and donors;
  6. International representations;
  7. Long-term cooperation with large surrogate motherhood clinics.

What is the fee for a surrogacy agency?

On average, payments are as follows by country:

  • Greece, Russia from 8 000 to 12 000€.
  • Ukraine - from 12 000 tо 25 000€.
  • Canada - from 12 000 tо 16 000€.
  • the USA - from 15 000 до 30 000€.

This takes approximately 20-50% of the total budget. Is it much or little? Whether it is worth it is up to you. But if you are worried about the price, then you should remember that the final cost of the service may differ from that which you initially were told by an agency or clinic. Often the amount you see does not include the surrogate mother fee or the number of transfers of embryos. Usually an agency enters into a contract with a clinic, which indicates one, maximum two, transfer of an embryo, as the profit of the agency decreases with the increase in the cost of the clinic fee.

To understand how much the total amount for the surrogacy service can change, let us take a closer look at what the cost of surrogacy consists of.

What surrogacy consists of

A reproductive program involving a surrogate mother is quite expensive. Depending on the country of provision, the cost varies from 30 to 180 thousand euros. The price strongly depends not only on the country, but also on the agency or clinic providing the service. Of course, the type of service, as well as its components, are different. You should be aware that there are required and optional costs during the process. Expenses begin already at the stage of examination, both of a couple and of a surrogate mother.

Country Price Quality of service  
USA 110 - 180 000€ Very high You have to pay for everything separately
Canada 100 - 110 000€ Very high You have to pay for everything separately
Greece 75 - 85 000€ High enough  
Russia 60 - 80 000€ High enough  
Ukraine 50 - 80 000€ High enough You can choose package programs with a guarantee
Georgia 30 - 60 000€ Average Allowed for married heterosexual couples, phenotype features, traditions
Kenya 40 - 50 000€ Average Allowed for everyone, phenotype features


Payments to a surrogate mother begin from the moment of her pregnancy. The cost of treatment varies depending on the course of pregnancy, difficulties encountered, complications and postpartum problems. Of course, all medical expenses are required.

For example, the in vitro fertilization procedure itself costs:

  • in Greece, Georgia, Russia or Ukraine - from 5 000 to 18 000 €.
  • in Canada – from 15 000 to 20 000 €.
  • in the USA - from 22 000 to 40 000 €.

The amount is influenced by factors such as:

  • number of necessary IVF attempts;
  • use of own or donor biological material (oocytes, sperm);
  • reproductive activities, additional medical diagnosis and tests (PGD / NGS, sex determination), etc.

It should be noted here that reproductive activities (fertilization, microscopic examinations, embryo selection, etc.) in countries with expensive high-quality medicine can be quite costly. For this, a clinic should have special modern equipment and specialized doctors. The best solution is to carry out such delicate and costly actions in Ukraine, with the quality of the level of leading medical institutions. So the total cost of the package in our Prof. Feskov Clinic with the delivery in the United States will be much cheaper than the same procedure in the United States.

So, the reproductive actions include:

  • hormone therapy;
  • selection of healthy embryos;
  • cryopreservation (freezing) of embryos;
  • selection of healthy sperm cells (PICSI, IMSI);
  • preimplantation genetic diagnosis of the embryo for chromosomal and genetic abnormalities, sex determination (PGD / NGS).

When turning directly to the clinic - there is no fee for intermediary services, and the clinic itself puts more in the budget in the medical part of the program. In good clinics, the number of embryo transfers is unlimited, up to successful delivery. We designate the budget for the cost of medical procedures and IVF up to 50%. The budget may be lower depending on the amount of IVF needed.


surrogacy cost by countries


Some clinics provide an opportunity for future parents to involve their surrogate mother in the program. We are often asked a question - is it possible to become a surrogate mother for your sister or even son? Yes, it can be a relative or close friend. We understand that the birth of a baby is a delicate matter, and you want to entrust it to a person close to you. The cost of the entire service in this case will be lower than when a surrogate mother is provided by the clinic.

Not every woman can be a surrogate mother, let us consider the basic requirements for her:

  • age from 20 to 35-40 years (can be expanded if there is experience and good physiological parameters);
  • mentally and physically healthy;
  • have at least one own healthy child.

For future parents, it is not so important how a surrogate mother looks phenotypically, more important is cleanliness, health, decency and responsibility; willingness to help become parents, psychological stability. Also, a surrogate mother is obliged to abandon bad habits during the course of pregnancy.

Sometimes clients come with specific requests: for example, the American reproductive doctor Ashid Kumar says that one Englishman demanded that a girl who must have completed Harvard be the donor of oocytes. “Of course, we found her, but it was very expensive,” Ashid laughs.

Financial compensation to a surrogate mother for participation in the program can reach 25% and it includes:

  • medical expenses during pregnancy (procedures, examinations, ultrasound, drugs, specialist advice, etc.);
  • clothes for pregnant women;
  • travel expenses to the clinic;
  • food and accommodation;
  • remuneration and so on.

This also includes directly the delivery of a surrogate mother, which is a rather costly process. Especially if the birth will take place in the United States or Canada. In this case, the amount will be different. However, the fee of a surrogate mother from Ukraine, who gave birth in the United States, will be significantly lower than the fee of a surrogate mother from the United States. This allows to reduce the price of the surrogacy service with its high quality.




Cost of surrogacy with agency services


Cost of surrogacy without agency services

In addition to all of the above, you will have to spend money on legal services and the preparation of relevant documents, including those for a future child. And also, trips to the necessary country, with a stay there - it will also require a part of the budget.


Service Price
IVF fertilization “in vitro” 5000 – 40 000€ +
Additional medical procedures (material donation, several IVF attempts, etc.) 3000 – 15 000€ +
Surrogacy agency 8000 – 30 000€ +
Legal support (country of destination) 6000 – 9000€ +
Surrogate mother financial compensation 10 000 – 40 000€ +
Other expenses (travel, force majeure, insurance, deposit, etc.) 10 000 – 30 000€ +
TOTAL 50 000 – 180 000€


Some clinics provide clients with package programs, such as "all inclusive", adapted to different requests. In this case, the clinic becomes interested in high-quality and most successful embryo transfer. This is especially beneficial if a couple have issues that complicate the procedure (age, bad habits, etc.). For them, this is the best option. Having paid such a program once, future parents no longer pay for anything and can calmly be engaged in the process. Having arrived in the city where the clinic is located, you will not have to look for a hotel, arrange accommodation and solve many other problems. In a normal high-quality service, everything is provided, down to the smallest detail: transfer, translator, legal services, accommodation, meals, medical examination, rest program and even the provision of a local SIM card. The package program includes not just an examination of a man, but also his preliminary treatment by an andrologist (in case of problems). Indeed, in surrogacy, 30-40% success depends on the reproductive functions of future parents.

Surrogacy process, stages

All participants in surrogacy programs are concerned about the question - where to start? How is everything happening? Let's review the procedure step by step. The whole surrogacy process can be divided into stages. Some of them can be done remotely, without the arrival of future parents in the country.

  1. Analytical stage. At this stage, you have already chosen the clinic / agency, the type of service you need and signed a Contract. You arrive in the country where the clinic is located. A meeting has to be arranged for you. We recommend you to discuss the transfer and hotel accommodation in advance. Future parents undergo a medical examination of the couple, receive expert advice, participate while choosing a surrogate mother or oocyte donor. The first meeting with the curators of the program also takes place.
  2. Pregnancy. The surrogate mother is examined. If necessary, oocyte donor stimulation and egg selection. Carrying out the IVF program, genetic screening of the embryo PGD / NGS. Transfer of embryos into the uterus of a surrogate mother, etc.
  3. The process of pregnancy of the surrogate mother. This is actually monitoring the course of pregnancy, the necessary examinations (ultrasound, tests), life insurance for the surrogate mother, compensation payments, etc.
  4. Delivery. The birth process itself in the chosen country, the examination of the newborn for monogenic diseases, the remuneration of the surrogate mum, etc.
  5. Legal registration. At this stage, the newborn is registered, the birth certificate is issued and all related legal issues are settled.

Surrogacy recommendations: how to get quality services and save money?

  • We recommend looking for a clinic / agency that offers an opportunity to get acquainted with your future surrogate mother. Our Prof. Feskov Clinic gives its clients such opportunity.
  • it is desirable that the selected clinic undertakes guarantee obligations to provide the most effective service of the birth of a baby with minimal harm to all participants in the process;
  • the contract has to be signed into an account with a reputable reliable bank, and the clinic / agency must have a good reputation - this is your additional guarantee. Choose the service correctly - payment for it may be partially paid at the expense of your medical insurance;
  • we do not recommend paying in cash;
  • look for a clinic that has remote examination services. You will need only one visit at the very end of the procedure. This will significantly save you money and valuable time. The rest of the time you, as usual, do your work;
  • anonymity above all. The conditions of anonymity and confidentiality of surrogacy should be written in the contract. This ensures the safety of such information from everyone, including the child born. Try to cooperate with clinics from the countries where it is legally fixed (Ukraine, USA, Georgia);
  • remember that only in the USA, Ukraine and Georgia you have a multi-stage legislative guarantee that the child will stay with you in any case. The state clearly stands by your side, regardless of your citizenship and the citizenship of your surrogate mother or donor;
  • do you carry your child by yourself or your surrogate mother does it? Are you sure that you can find the medicines that she should take in your country? The clinic has to resolve the logistical issue of medicine delivery. Check this in advance;
  • try to usefully spend the time spent on procedures. Our clinic offers beauty and rejuvenation sessions for the duration of your stay with us;

Remember: surrogacy is a serious step, it is the future of your family. This is the destiny of your child, of a new human being. Your choice and actions should be 100% correct. In any case, feel free to ask our experts any question about surrogacy.

The Prof. Feskov Clinic has been working in the reproductive technology market for over 15 years and is one of the best in Ukraine. Our leading experts have developed technologies that are the standard in global surrogacy. Our advantage is package programs, which include an unlimited number of IVF attempts, special offers and guarantee. Our clients are sure to become parents. We solve all medical, legal, logistic and business issues. Sensitive attitude to clients, attentive accompanying through all stages, round-the-clock support give comfort and peace to future parents while waiting for their own baby.


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