DetailsYear of birth: 1980
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: collage diploma
Specialty: accountancy
Profession: bookkeeper
Height: 175
Weight: 60
Blood group: 1(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: gray
Characteristic: friendly, caring, persistent.
Hobby: fitness, soap-making.

DetailsYear of birth: 1993
Marital status: married
Children: 2
Education: collage diploma
Profession: nurse
Height: 170
Weight: 51
Blood group: 2(-)
Hair color: dark
Eye color: green
Characteristic: kind, sociable, responsible
Hobby: knitting, sewing, chess

DetailsYear of birth: 1990
Marital status: married
Children: 1
Education: college diploma
Profession: seller
Height: 150
Weight: 50
Blood group: 2(+)
Hair color: dark
Eye color: brown
Characteristics: kind, open-minded, self-confident.
Hobby: cooking, drawing, reading.

DetailsYear of birth: 1981
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: higher education
Specialty: architecture
Profession: architect
Height: 170
Weight: 83
Blood group: 1(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: brown
Characteristic: resolute, sociable, addicting
Hobby: cycling, roller skating, reading

DetailsYear of birth: 1983
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: higher education
Specialty: economic
Profession: manager-economist
Height: 165
Weight: 51
Blood group: 1(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: gray
Characteristic: honest, confident, friendly.
Hobby: cooking, photography, braiding.

DetailsYear of birth: 1981
Marital status: single
Children: 2
Education: collage diploma
Specialty: clothing industry
Profession: seamstress
Height: 164
Weight: 56
Blood group: 1(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: blue
Characteristic: Sympathetic, kind, purposeful.
Hobby: knitting, eyelash.

DetailsYear of birth: 1982
Marital status: married
Children: 1
Education: higher education
Specialty: economic
Profession: economist
Height: 165
Weight: 61
Blood group: 1(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: brown
Characteristic: sociable, purposeful, open.
Hobby: Rollerblading, biking, cooking.

DetailsYear of birth: 1990
Marital status: single
Children: one
Education: higher education
Specialty: law
Profession: lawyer
Height: 163
Weight: 53
Blood group: 2(-)
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: gray
Characteristic: active, ambitious, cheerful
Hobby: breeding of fish, fitness

DetailsYear of birth: 1987
Marital status: married
Children: 1
Education: college diploma
Profession: seller
Height: 168
Weight: 78
Blood group: 2(+)
Hair color: dark
Eye color: brown
Characteristic: sociable, communicative, cheerful.
Hobby: reading books, riding horses, gardening.

DetailsYear of birth: 1989
Marital status: married
Children: 2
Education: college diploma
Profession: manager- organizer
Height: 154
Weight: 49
Blood group: 2(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: blue
Characteristic: confident, sociable, cheerful.
Hobby: traveling, drawing, reading.

DetailsYear of birth: 1993
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: college diploma
Profession: bookkeeper
Height: 161
Weight: 70
Blood group: 2(+)
Hair color: dark
Eye color: blue
Characteristic: bold, cheerful, sensible.
Hobby: psychology, yoga, massage.

DetailsYear of birth: 1986
Marital status: single
Children: 3
Education: college diploma
Profession: house wife
Height: 149
Weight: 44
Blood group: 2(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: blue
Characteristic: sensible, caring, calm.
Hobby: dancing, drawing, jogging in the park.

DetailsYear of birth: 1985
Marital status: single
Children: one
Education: college diploma
Specialty: production manager
Profession: seamstress
Height: 168
Weight: 58
Blood group: 3(+)
Hair color: dark
Eye color: green
Characteristic: fun, fair, communicative
Hobby: ice skating, rollerblading, dressmaking

DetailsYear of birth: 1983
Marital status: single
Children: 3
Education: college diploma
Specialty: accounting
Profession: cashier
Height: 164
Weight: 66
Blood group: 3(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: green
Characteristic: neat, kind, flexible.
Hobby: traveling, reading, walking, soap-making.

DetailsYear of birth: 1983
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: college diploma
Profession: cook
Height: 156
Weight: 58
Blood group: 4(+)
Hair color: dark
Eye color: brown
Characteristic: restrained, responsible, communicative.
Hobby: cooking, floral, jogging.

DetailsYear of birth: 1982
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: higher education
Specialty: economics
Profession: economist
Height: 162
Weight: 59
Blood group: 4(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: brown
Characteristic: responsive, purposeful, diligent.
Hobby: figure skating, karaoke, travel.

DetailsYear of birth: 1981
Marital status: married
Children: 3
Education: college diploma
Profession: in maternity leave
Height: 165
Weight: 56
Blood group: 2(-)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: gray
Characteristic: diligent, purposeful, communicative.
Hobby: board games, reading books, fitness.

DetailsYear of birth: 1981
Marital status: married
Children: 1
Education: college diploma
Profession: cook
Height: 161
Weight: 50
Blood group: 1(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: blue
Characteristic: ambitious, sociable, purposeful
Hobby: sport, cooking, reading

DetailsYear of birth: 1982
Marital status: single
Children: 3
Education: college diploma
Profession: accountant
Height: 162
Weight: 64
Blood group: 2(-)
Hair color: light-brown
Eye color: brown
Characteristic: kind, honest, careful
Hobby: watching TV series, camping, going out

DetailsYear of birth: 1991
Marital status: married
Children: 1
Education: higher education
Profession: accountant
Height: 172
Weight: 69
Blood group: 1(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: brown
Characteristic: kind, sociable, cheerful.
Hobby: traveling, walking, sport.

DetailsYear of birth: 1986
Marital status: married
Children: 2
Education: college diploma
Profession: house wife
Height: 172
Weight: 63
Blood group: 3(+)
Hair color: dark
Eye color: brown
Characteristic: responsible, bold, cheerful
Hobby: fitness, origami, clay modeling

DetailsYear of birth: 1983
Marital status: married
Children: 2
Education: college diploma
Profession: housewife
Height: 180
Weight: 80
Blood group: 2(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: gray
Characteristic: helpful, kind, communicative.
Hobby: cooking, traveling, reading.

DetailsYear of birth: 1985
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: college diploma
Profession: nurse
Height: 160
Weight: 56
Blood group: 2(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: brown
Characteristic: calm, poised, open-minded
Hobby: baking, cooking, watching TV series

DetailsYear of birth: 1983
Marital status: single
Children: 3
Education: collage diploma
Profession: house wife
Height: 164
Weight: 55
Blood group: 4(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: gray
Characteristic: calm, peaceful, sociable.
Hobby: collecting items, fitness, reading.

DetailsYear of birth: 1983
Marital status: single
Children: 2
Education: college diploma
Profession: pharmacist
Height: 165
Weight: 60
Blood group: 2(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: brown
Characteristic: kind, sociable, responsible.
Hobby: knitting, reading books, jogging.

DetailsYear of birth: 1986
Marital status: single
Children: 2
Education: college diploma
Profession: house wife
Height: 165
Weight: 60
Blood group: 2(+)
Hair color: dark
Eye color: green
Characteristic: carrying, outgoing, positive
Hobby: watching movies, listening to music, volleyball

DetailsYear of birth: 1989
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: college diploma
Profession: accountant
Height: 167
Weight: 60
Blood group: 2(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: brown
Characteristic: sociable, communicative, cheerful.
Hobby: reading books, walking and traveling, sport.

DetailsYear of birth: 1993
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: college diploma
Profession: in maternity leave
Height: 162
Weight: 50
Blood group: 2(+)
Hair color: dark
Eye color: green
Characteristic: positive, communicative, soft-hearted.
Hobby: badminton, going to the cinema, music.

DetailsYear of birth: 1987
Marital status: married
Children: 2
Education: college diploma
Profession: accountant
Height: 165
Weight: 78
Blood group: 2(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: grey-blue
Characteristic: single-minded, carrying, sweet.
Hobby: flowers, books, traveling.

DetailsYear of birth: 1986
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: higher education
Specialty: technician-electrician
Height: 168
Weight: 59
Blood group: 2(+)
Hair color: dark-fair
Eye color: gray
Characteristic: kind, responsive, brave.
Hobby: knitting, traveling, going out on nature.

DetailsYear of birth: 1980
Marital status: married
Children: 1
Education: higher education
Profession: philologist
Height: 173
Weight: 68
Blood group: 2(+)
Hair color: dark
Eye color: brown
Characteristic: attentive, curious, kind.
Hobby: manicure, reading, English practicing.

DetailsYear of birth: 1993
Marital status: married
Children: 2
Education: higher education
Profession: music teacher in school
Height: 165
Weight: 62
Blood group: 2(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: brown
Characteristic: optimistic, soft-hearted, responsive.
Hobby: reading, going out to park for a walk, music.

DetailsYear of birth: 1981
Marital status: married
Children: 2
Education: higher education
Profession: archivator
Height: 156
Weight: 55
Blood group: 3(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: green
Characteristic: polite, sweet, attentive
Hobby: listen to the music, shopping, dancing

DetailsYear of birth: 1985
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: higher education
Profession: sanitary veterinary treatment operator
Height: 165
Weight: 67
Blood group: 3(+)
Hair color: dark
Eye color: green
Characteristic: hardworking, soft hearted, carrying.
Hobby: going out on nature, watching movies, gardering.

DetailsYear of birth: 1984
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: college diploma
Profession: housewife
Height: 167
Weight: 74
Blood group: 2(-)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: brown
Characteristic: open, honest, polite, quiet.
Hobby: cooking, gardening, watching TV series.

DetailsYear of birth: 1981
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: college diploma
Profession: rail transport conductor
Height: 164
Weight: 70
Blood group: 2(-)
Hair color: dark
Eye color: green
Characteristic: attentive, kind, trustful.
Hobby: cooking, gardening, watching movies.

DetailsYear of birth: 1984
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: college diploma
Profession: seller
Height: 168
Weight: 70
Blood group: 1(-)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: grey
Characteristic: carrying, single-minded, funny.
Hobby: cooking, watching TV series, flowers.

DetailsYear of birth: 1983
Marital status: married
Children: 2
Education: college diploma
Profession: housewife
Height: 168
Weight: 68
Blood group: 3(+)
Hair color: dark-fair
Eye color: gray
Characteristic: attentive, self-confident, executive.
Hobby: cooking, traveling , hand making.
Find Surrogate Mother – All Information You Need to Know
Surrogate motherhood is a method of treating infertility with a child being conceived with the help of the genetic material of the couple and carried by a surrogate mother. In this case, the sex cells of the intended parents are mixed in the laboratory, with the embryo being afterwards transported into the uterus of a surrogate mother.
Having decided to resort to the services of a surrogate mother, couples need to take the task of seeking for potential moms seriously. It is a surrogate mother who has a direct physical/ emotional connection with the child before him being born. Therefore, her health, as well as physical and emotional condition, are of great importance.
Who Needs the Services of Surrogate Mothers
Surrogate motherhood is recommended for women who cannot conceive or bear the child on their own. There may be different reasons causing the condition of infertility in people. These include serious injuries of the uterus, surgical interventions, congenital pathologies, menopause, etc. For such women, the only way to have a genetically native child is to use the services of a surrogate mother, who performs the role of a kind of “incubator;” she must carry and give birth to the child, and then transfer the newborn to his biological parents.
Where Can You Find a Surrogate Mother?
If you are looking for a surrogate mother on your own, and do not know where to search for good profiles, we strongly recommend you consider using the services of professionals. Please do not look for a surrogate mother online. This is the way to mistake. Thus, you will avoid being cheated by scammers and will save a lot of time, efforts, and financial resources. As a general rule, centers of reproductive medicine have an extended database of women who can become surrogate mothers. Thus only special medical clinics or database can help to find a surrogate mother. Our clinic is not an exception – in our list of profiles you will find women who have undergone a full medical examination and have no contradictions to the procedure of artificial insemination. This surrogate mother list is a small part of our full database which is renewed each week.
However, we have prepared some useful tips for families who want to do the search on their own. A surrogate mother should be no older of 37 years, have her own healthy children, and be healthy herself. The last requirement is a bit general. The physical condition of a woman and the absence of diseases should be confirmed by medical test results obtained no longer than a month before the procedure.
Why Is It Better to Use Services of an Agency?
Remember that if you are trying to find a surrogate mother yourself on an online website, you are at risk to fall into a trap of scammers. It is for this reason we recommend that you contact doctors of a reproductive medicine center. Thus, you no longer have to spend a lot of time and money to examine every new potential candidate – all women from the base are thoroughly checked by the clinic medics and have undergone tests with psychologists.
And one more important nuance of choosing a wanted surrogate mother with the help of the agency is the availability of good lawyers, who will supervise the entire pregnancy of the surrogate mother until the child is handed to you, according to the legal contract. In many cases, biological parents do not even contact the surrogate mother in order not to expose themselves to the risk of blackmail or superfluous experiences.
Where can you find a surrogate mother?
read moreIf you are looking for a surrogate mother on your own, and do not know where to search for good profiles, we strongly recommend you consider using the services of professionals.Why Is It Better to Use Services of an Agency?
read moreRemember that if you are trying to find a surrogate mother yourself on an online website, you are at risk to fall into a trap of scammers.