When is the Best Time for me to get Pregnant?

Finding the best time for a successful pregnancy - the influence of the biology of female body, hormones.
Conception occurs when a man's sperm fertilizes a woman's egg. For some people this happens quickly, but for others it may take longer. For every 100 married couples trying to have a baby, 80 to 90 become pregnant during the year. For the rest, the process takes more time. Or they have to resort to medical reproductive technologies.
If conception still does not occur, even with active treatment for infertility, it is better to consult a reproductive specialist. At Feskov Human Reproduction Group, reproductive programs adapted to different patient needs have been developed - IVF, surrogacy, donation, which guarantee the birth of a healthy baby.
Female monthly cycle
First, let's look at the principles of the functioning of a woman's menstrual cycle. It is counted from the 1st day of menstruation. After about 10-14 days, ovulation occurs, and after the same amount of time, menstruation again. On average, the cycle lasts 28 days. But if it is shorter or longer, this is also considered normal. The main thing is that the cycle is more or less regular - plus or minus a couple of days. Sharp fluctuations in the duration of the cycle may indicate the presence of problems in the reproductive system.
Ovulation occurs once every month, rarely twice per cycle, when an egg is released from one of the ovaries. If a second oocyte appears, it is most likely within 24 hours of the first. At the same time, the lining of the uterus begins to thicken, and the mucus in the cervix becomes less, so that sperm can pass inside more easily.
Immediately after release, the egg begins its leisurely journey through the fallopian tube. If the most active sperm have entered here, conception may well occur. The uterine epithelium is already thick enough for a fertilized oocyte to be successfully implanted into it.
If the egg has not been fertilized, it leaves the body during menstruation, together with the already unnecessary lining of the uterus, which is rejected by the body. The oocyte is so small that it cannot be seen.
The best time to conceive
A woman is more likely to become pregnant if she has sex within about a day after ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary). Usually, this is about 14 days after the start of the last period, with a cycle time of 28 days.
The oocyte lives in the female reproductive organs 12 to 24 hours after release. For a pregnancy to occur, it must be fertilized with a sperm during this time. Sperm are active in the female tract for up to a week. Therefore, if you have sex before ovulation, the most active sperm will have time to climb the fallopian (fallopian) tubes to await the release of the egg.
To know the exact time of ovulation, you can use the method of daily measurement of basal temperature with fixation of the schedule. When the temperature rises, ovulation is on the way. Or you can simply purchase an ovulation test.
To get pregnant for sure, having sex every 2-3 days for a month will give the best results. There is no need for intimacy only during ovulation, however, it will increase the chances of success.
Pregnancy hormones
Hormones are chemicals that circulate in the blood of women and men. They carry messages to different parts of the body, regulating certain actions and causing certain changes.
The female hormones estrogen and progesterone control many of the events in the monthly cycle. For example, the release of an egg from the ovary or a thickening of the lining of the uterus.
When conception occurs, the hormone level changes. The amount of estrogen and progesterone in the blood rises. This stimulates the lining of the uterus to thicken. At the same time, the blood supply to the mammary glands and uterus becomes more intense. And the muscular frame of the uterus relaxes to make place for the growing baby.
Increased hormone levels directly affect your well-being:
- sudden mood swings;
- constant tears;
- irritation;
- anger.
For some time, a woman may even feel that she cannot control her emotions in any way. But these symptoms usually disappear after 3 months after the start of pregnancy.
What determines the gender of the child
Both the male sperm and the female ovum play a role in determining the sex of the baby. Each human cell contains 46 chromosomes - that's 23 pairs. Only germ cells carry 23 chromosomes each. When a sperm fertilizes an egg, the father's 23 chromosomes are linked to the mother's 23 chromosomes. And the result is 46 chromosomes.
Chromosomes are tiny thread-like structures, each carrying about 2,000 genes. Genes determine the inherited characteristics of a child: eye color, hair color, physique, height, blood type, etc.
A fertilized egg carries one sex chromosome from the mother and one from the father. The sex chromosome of the egg is always the same and is called the X chromosome. However, the sex chromosome of a sperm cell can be either an X or a Y chromosome. If the oocyte is fertilized with a sperm with an X chromosome, there will be a girl (XX), if with a Y, the baby will be a boy (XY).
To ensure a normal pregnancy and the health of the future baby, partners should make sure that they are completely healthy. It includes:
- keep a healthy balanced diet with vitamins and minerals;
- no smoking;
- do not take alcohol;
- a woman should take vitamins with folic acid.
Another important factor when planning a pregnancy is to avoid stress and focus on the result. Since worries, an unstable emotional state, stressful situations in no way contribute to the occurrence of the desired miracle.
Upon joining the guaranteed surrogacy program, Feskov Human Reproduction Group provides its patients with advanced surrogate mother services that will make the surrogate travel as comfortable as possible. For example, we give the opportunity to meet and communicate personally with the selected candidate for surrogate mothers. Or our surrogate mothers can go to give birth to any country in the world for the convenience of future parents, as well as to provide the newborn with all the privileges that are due by birthright.
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