Infertility diagnosis. Treat or accept?

According to statistics, there are about 48.5 million infertile couples in the world and about 40 million women diagnosed with "infertility". This huge figure shows how acute this problem is today.
What to do if you are diagnosed with infertility? Treat it? But this is not always possible and not always effective. Accept it and remain childless? Or choose the third option - use the reproductive service called "surrogate motherhood" and become happy parents?
Types of female infertility
Depending on the causes, several types of female infertility are distinguished:
- Tubal infertility that occurs in case of tubal patency disorders.
- Endocrine infertility that happens when the hormonal system is not functioning correctly.
- Immunological infertility associated with the fact that women have antibodies that destroy spermatozoa, not giving them the opportunity to fertilize an egg.
- Psychological infertility which is caused by psycho-emotional problems.
- Infertility which is caused by gynecological diseases.
- Absolute infertility that occurs in case of developmental abnormalities, for example, the absence of the uterus or ovaries from birth.
- Idiopathic infertility, the causes of which are not determined.
In addition, there is primary and secondary infertility, congenital and acquired one.
Types of male infertility
Male infertility also has many types:
- Secretory infertility occurs in case of disorders of spermatogenesis.
- Obstructive infertility is observed when the vas deferens is blocked.
- Immunological infertility. In this case, antibodies are produced in the organism that kill their own spermatozoa.
- Psychogenic infertility arising from psychological factors.
- Idiopathic infertility, the cause of which can not be explained.
Some types of infertility in both men and women are treatable. With the correct diagnosis and well-chosen therapy, the disorders can be eliminated and the reproductive functions restored. However, quite often the diagnosis of "infertility" is final. However, today it is not a verdict. Thanks to assisted reproductive technologies (such as egg donation, sperm donation, surrogate motherhood), a couple diagnosed with "infertility" can fulfill the dream of having a baby.
Surrogacy. In what cases of infertility is it recommended?
Surrogate motherhood is the way out for severe cases of female infertility. If a woman from a married couple cannot become pregnant or bear a child, then a donor egg and a surrogate mother are used. The egg is fertilized by the sperm of the man from the couple. After that, it is placed in the uterus of a surrogate mother, who safely bears your child.
If there is male infertility, then for the birth of a child, you can use donor sperm.
The Feskov Human Reproduction Group offers a full range of assisted reproductive services, including egg donation, sperm donation and surrogate motherhood. By contacting us for help, you will be able to choose the optimal reproductive program for you with the guaranteed birth of your baby.
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