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Why Is There A BMI Limit For IVF?

Every year, thousands of different women become mothers with the help of assisted reproductive technologies and other related services.

Apr 08, 2024
Which Kind of Fertility Doctor Is the Best One for You?

Searching for “your own” doctor for fertility treatment is a task that definitely needs your attention. Important factors are not only qualifications and experience in the treatment of infertility, but also the willingness of the doctor to understand your needs and develop individual approaches based on health conditions and support you throughout the reproductive program.

Nov 16, 2023
The Endometrium and Its Role in Your Fertility

For women planning pregnancy naturally or with the help of IVF, it is extremely important to have an idea of the physiological aspects of its successful course. One of the most important roles in this process belongs to the endometrium - the tissue lining the uterine cavity. 

Oct 26, 2023
How Many Ovarian and Antral Follicles You Should Have for Fertility?

In most cases, women begin to wonder about the question of fertility assessment, faced with problems in conceiving a child, or when pregnancy is “postponed” to a later age of pregnancy. The most accurate assessment of female fertility can be given by the antral follicle count (AFC) method. 

Sep 28, 2023
What Is Azoospermia: Treatment, Causes, Symptoms and More

In the media space, men's health is in most cases spoken of in the context of sexual well-being, with only occasional mention of reproductive health. And only when men begin to plan fatherhood, for some, the problem of infertility due to the male factor arises. One of the causes of male infertility is azoospermia - the absence of sperm in the seminal fluid.

Feb 26, 2023
Why Aren't More Men Aware of Their Fertility Status?

Until recently, it was customary in society to talk more about infertility in women than in men. Although, about 40% of all cases of problems with conception, according to medical statistics, are due to the male factor. 

May 08, 2022
Can I Still Get Pregnant With PCOS?

Most women want and can have children. But women with chronic conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) often worry about childbirth and their ability to get pregnant. 

Sep 02, 2021
What Can I Do to Improve My Health Before Trying to Get Pregnant?

The decision to have a child is probably one of the most important decisions in a woman's life. Pregnancy can seem like a fairly straightforward process if you ignore the potential problems associated with age, ovulation and infertility. This is something that a person cannot predict. However, there are moments that can be completely controlled.

Aug 16, 2021
How old is too old to have a baby?

The desire to have a child can come at any age. And then a logical question arises - how much is this possible? Pregnant women over 35 are labeled as “old mothers in labor”. Although a successful pregnancy after 35 is now the most common occurrence. But what if a woman is over 40 or 45? In fact, for some people after a certain age it is easier to conceive a child, for others it is more difficult. 

Aug 09, 2021
Feskov Human Reproduction Group will take part in the Fertility Show

We invite you to join The Fertility Show Online Summit in September 2021. Online meeting with leading specialists in reproductive medicine from around the world.

Aug 02, 2021


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