Surrogacy is illegal in many countries, including France. However, some countries like Belgium, Ukraine or Canada allow this practice under certain conditions. This article explores the legal destinations for those looking to expand their family through a surrogate mother.
Surrogacy is an inexhaustible source of disagreement, both at the domestic and global levels. Opponents insist on the abnormality of this method of reproduction, although what can may be more normal than the desire of a married couple to raise their baby. At the Center for Human Reproduction of prof. Feskov A.M. know everything about it.
Many couples having difficulties with childbearing study information on private surrogacy in the USA: price and other nuances. And they come into a state of shock, having learned the numbers. Yes, the surrogate mother’s fee can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. This does not include the payment of mediation services (if the surrogate mother will provide you with the agency), payment of the surrogate's expenses during pregnancy, medical examinations, birth support (if a cesarean section is required, the amount increases by several thousand dollars), medications, legal support and others. And if IVF does not become successful on the first try ... The total amount is palpable even for very wealthy people.
Surrogate motherhood is a uniquely effective reproductive technology that helps solve the problem that previously seemed insurmountable. Thanks to this new technique, couples diagnosed with "infertility" can now have children. The only noticeable disadvantage of surrogate motherhood can be its high price, but it is absolutely justified, because the use of this technology is very expensive.
Among the most attractive countries for surrogate motherhood are the USA, the Czech Republic, Georgia and Ukraine. In all these countries, it is officially permitted to use the services of a surrogate mother, and many clinics offer such services. Which country to choose?
Hello! My name is Elizabeth, and I am writing this review on the request of Professor Feskov’s team. They proposed me to tell my story, and I am glad to do so.
All the most important things on earth such as life, time, and relationships, are priceless. If something goes wrong with these the most important issues, people are ready to sacrifice their time and energy, let alone money, to restore happiness. In the search for offspring, surrogacy comes in as one of the best ways of helping childless parents join the big league — happy parenting.
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