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Surrogacy easy way to baby born in 2024 with Feskov surrogacy agency

  • Surrogate motherhood is a real breakthrough in reproductive medicine that allows fertility-challenged couples to bear their biological child. For most sterile families, surrogate motherhood is today a really great chance to experience the joy of parenting. If earlier infertile couples could only adopt a baby, nowadays, modern science gives them the opportunity
  • to bear their genetic child. The advanced reproductive technology gives a chance to everyone to become happy parents, hear their children's laughter, and make the first steps together with their kid. And Feskov Human Reproduction group will help to make the dreams of each family come true.
  • 18,000

    healthy baby birth since the foundation of prof. Feskov clinic

  • 52

    countries where

    our children live

  • 23

    qualified scientists

    in our clinic

  • 10,000

    database of egg donors

Irina Feskova

MD., Ph. D., reproductive endocrinologist, medical director of Clinic of prof. A. Feskov

  • experience

    We have been in the field of reproductive medicine since 1995, since that time we shave completed hundreds of successful IVF programs, which allows us to legally guarantee 100%of the birth of a healthy child.

  • healthy babies

    We specialize in human genomics and PGD diagnostics, which allows us to choose a healthy embryo, prevent the transmission of hereditary diseases and choose the sex of the future newborn child at your request.

  • confidentiality

    The system of our services is built on complete confidentiality. We have developed and use a reliable personal information protection system for each patient.

  • proven base

    We have our own base of mothers and egg donors of the European, Asian, African phenotype that allows you to choose your ideal donor.

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    • Kiev, Ukraine
    • Prague, Czech
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  • Signs And Symptoms Of Preterm Labor
    Signs And Symptoms Of Preterm Labor

    Worries about a possible termination of pregnancy haunt women throughout the entire period of gestation....

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  • In which country surrogacy is allowed
    In which country surrogacy is allowed

    Surrogacy is illegal in many countries, including France. However, some countries like Belgium, Ukraine or Can...

    30 / Sep / 2024
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Watch videos about surrogacy and egg donation by Feskov Human Reproduction Group
  • Is surrogate motherhood legal in Ukraine?

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    Ukrainian laws are loyal to the problems of infertile couples. The procedure and conditions of these programs are governed by a variety of regulations, such as the Family and Civil Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine 'Fundamentals of the Ukrainian legislation on health care,' special order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine from 09.09.2013, the number 787, as well as a number of other regulatory acts.

    These regulations do not prohibit the passage of surrogacy programs in Ukraine for its citizens as well as citizens of other countries. Thus, Ukrainian surrogacy agencies and clinics comply with the law.
  • Do I need a medical condition in order to complete the program of surrogacy?

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    For surrogacy program a medical justification of the impossibility of carrying a pregnancy must be provided. This is due to the law of Ukraine. You can request our surrogate clinic for possible options

  • How goes the selection of your donor base and surrogate mothers?

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    All potential donors and surrogate mothers undergo gynecological and therapists examination and pass the necessary tests.
    The main criteria of selection:

    - Good physical and mental health;
    - Performance tests are normal;
    - The absence of contraindications to programs donation and / or surrogacy;
    - Have at least one healthy child born in a natural way.
  • Who registers the documents to a newborn baby?

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    In order to be sure of the validity of the documents and compliance with all laws, it is better to turn to a professional lawyer. After the birth of a child the standard procedure of registration of civil status act will be held – the obtaining of a birth certificate. The surrogate mother signs a notary special application form, agrees on the fact that she has no objection to the recording child's genetic parents as parents.

    For the getting of birth certificate, our lawyers collect the necessary documents and accompany the genetic parents in the body of civil registration (it is necessarily personal presence in the registry office of both parents).
  • How long will I have to wait for the start of the program?

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    You start a surrogacy program in the moment when you first came to us. Due to the fact that the entire preparation process can be started remotely, at the time of your visit a clear action plan will be formed, and you can use your time as efficiently as possible.

    The center of surrogacy has an extensive database of surrogate mothers who are prepared for the start of the program at any time. You don't have to wait any longer. Contact us and personal coordinator will answer all your questions.
  • How can I choose a surrogate mother?

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    To make the selection of a surrogate mother the most simple process for you, we offer several candidates that best match your requirements. All surrogate mothers are women aged 20 to 36 years who have their own child or children. Surrogate mother undergoes a medical examination, which confirms its suitability to the surrogacy program.
    The main criteria of selection:
    - Good physical and mental health;
    - Performance tests are normal;
    - The absence of contraindications to the surrogacy program;
    - Have at least one healthy child, born in a natural way.

    The information about surrogate mother is provided by the phenotype (hair color, height, weight, etc.), blood group, place of residence and activities. Each profile is accompanied by photographs. The coordinator will tell you in detail about each woman on consultation by the selection. If in the end you still doubt about the choice, then you can request to meet with 3 candidates for surrogate mother (in the center or via skype meeting) and personally get acquainted with them.
  • What is a surrogacy agency and how does it work?

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    A surrogacy agency provides intermediary services: they can either transfer the patient directly to the executor and receive their percentage of the payment, or act as an intermediary between patients, the clinic, the donor, and the surrogate mother. Today, some agencies also take on part of the legal paperwork. However, an agency without a real clinic is empty advertising without a service.
  • What services does a surrogacy agency provide?

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    There may be cases when either the client is transferred to the executing clinic for a percentage of the payment, or the agency becomes an intermediary between patients, the clinic, the donor, and the surrogate mother in the process of providing services. Today, some agencies also take on part of the legal paperwork. The quality of the medical part of the service directly depends only on the professionalism of the clinic and the terms of the agreement between the clinic and the agency.
  • How to choose a reliable surrogacy agency?

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    It is better not to choose an agency, as it is an intermediary between you, the clinic and other participants in the program. It is better to choose a good reproductive clinic that has its own staff to manage surrogacy programs.
  • What stages does the surrogacy process through an agency include?

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    Here, either the client is transferred immediately to the reproductive clinic, or the client is followed until the end. Then, first, a Contract is concluded with the agency, an advance payment is made. Then the agency concludes its contracts with the reproductive clinic and the selected surrogate mother. Then the usual process of selection and testing of genetic material begins, the surrogate mother is prepared and the IVF procedure is carried out. Then, pregnancy is managed until delivery in the agreed location. After this, perinatal services are provided, compensation for the surrogate mother's participation and the legal stage of the program.
  • What requirements are imposed on surrogate mothers?

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    Age from 20 to 40 years, positive Rh factor of blood, born from 1 to 4 of their own children, no criminal past. In addition, an interview with a psychologist is required to assess compatibility.
  • Feskov Gestational Surrogacy Agency
  • What is Surrogacy: Definition and Meaning
  • Surrogacy History
  • Types of Surrogacy
  • How Does Surrogacy Work?
  • Surrogacy Process - Everything from A to Z
  • Surrogacy Success Rate
  • Surrogacy Requirements
  • Surrogacy Pros and Cons
  • Surrogacy Ethics
  • Surrogacy Laws
  • Surrogacy agencies
  • International Surrogacy
  • Surrogacy Stories
  • Final Thoughts

Feskov Gestational Surrogacy Agency

Have you been trying to conceive a baby for a long time and have already tried different types of modern reproductive technology but with no success? Keep your head up - address the problem of infertility to the specialists of Feskov Human Reproduction agency and get it solved at once. We are a world-renowned surrogacy agency known for providing modern medical assistance and treatment to sterile couples dealing with the condition of any complexity.

Feskov Human Reproduction group is one of the best surrogacy agencies providing services to European citizens and those residing in the USA. Known for being highly customer-oriented, our surrogacy agency boasts a flawless reputation and hundreds of happy stories with sterile couples experiencing the joy of parenting. Parenthood is a blessing; children bring sense to many people’s lives and change them forever. But the joys of pregnancy and childbirth are not accessible to every couple in the world, and some of them see the dreams of having a baby turn to pieces by diseases, inborn infertility, or legal barriers.

Feskov human reproduction group is a surrogacy and egg donor agency that gives couples in hope and to make the long-cherished dream of holding a baby in their hands come true. We stand apart from many other surrogate mother agencies due to complete dedication to service quality and relentless work on making perfect matches between parents, donors, and surrogates. Valuable experience of our medical specialists and hundreds of happy parents speak for themselves – Feskov human reproduction group is definitely a place where intended parents become accomplished, happy people.

Feskov Human Reproduction Group

Flawless service of our surrogacy center is guaranteed by its founder and head – an internationally acclaimed professor of reproductive medicine Alexandr Mikhailovich Feskov. He has over 33 years of experience in infertility treatment, IVF, and surrogacy services. Mr. Feskov is a member of ESHRE and Ukrainian Reproductive Medicine Association’s board. Mother Surrogate is thus a family business in which numerous members of the Feskov family continue Mr. Feskov’s undertakings and give hundreds of families the happiness of parenthood.

feskov human reproduction group

Mother Surrogate is not only a gestational surrogacy agency. Our list of services includes:

  • Guaranteed IVF treatment with own eggs!
  • Preimplantation genetic diagnostics – next generation sequencing (NGS) - genetically healthy baby Guarantee
  • Future baby sex selection
  • Surrogate motherhood services for single parents
  • Egg donation - individual advanced egg donor / special phenotype egg donor selection
  • Egg donation guarantee of pregnancy ongoing
  • Legal support all over the world coverage

For your convenience, we have developed a set of packages with services to guarantee your result of our cooperation and your satisfaction with our joint work on your parenthood. By choosing the comfort Guarantee package plan, clients receive benefits and advantages of guarantee IVF programs and surrogate mother services with non-additional payment during pregnancy achieving. The VIP Guarantee package allows intended parents to receive full genetic screening of the embryo's genetic material to be perfectly confident about their baby’s health. A more economical variant is available through the Low-Cost Guarantee plan for intended parents on a budget.

Visit our surrogate website to compare plans and select the one to your liking. But getting excellent service and long-awaited results is possible with all our programs and plans: unlimited number of IVF attempts in cases of unsuccessful implantation and unlimited stimulation for egg donors are included in all of them (coverage level of program varies from package to package depending on its price).

How We Work

surrogacy clinic

The key task of our surrogacy agency is to provide full cycle of services up to healthy baby birth including selection of best egg donors and match them with the intended parents, arrangement of an individual legal service plan, guest services, all of which are aimed to guarantee full comfort to our clients. After that, medicine takes the lead. We initiate the process based on your demands and expectations to make the perfect fit and contribute to your cloudless, happy parenthood.

All clients coming to us enjoy a wide range of benefits:

  • Excellent quality of medical, legal and guest service
  • Individual approach to every participant to ensure that the process fits their expectations and desires
  • We speak your language! Our professionals speak Italian, Spanish, English, Russian, French, German, Romanian, Hungarian, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, and Ukrainian, so you will always be understood.
  • The full range of legal services up to registration of passport for baby in your country of residence
  • An opportunity to determine the baby’s sex
  • Ability to get personally acquainted with the egg donor
  • Surrogacy and IVF services rendered in private clinics of Feskov human reproduction group in Kharkiv/ Kiev /Prague
  • Transportation of cryopreserved eggs and embryos
  • Thorough selection of surrogate mothers
  • An opportunity to have an individual sperm donor
  • Umbilical blood and placental tissue conservation
  • Baby birth process in a high-level private maternity hospital.

What is Surrogacy: Definition and Meaning

agency for surrogacy solutions

The concept of surrogacy can be viewed from the two sides - the way the domestic legislation defines it and how the ordinary person understands the procedure. In case of taking the definition of surrogacy from the relevant regulatory legal acts, the concept itself does not have a clear formulation, and only some of its aspects are regulated. Of course, the legal side of the matter varies from one country to another. However, regardless of the condition in your state, it is highly important to know the surrogacy meaning and all procedures it involves to make an informed decision. So what is surrogacy? Who does it involve? And what are the indications for the procedure in a surrogacy agency? Let us get all this straightened out.

  • Surrogate motherhood is one of the types of assisted reproductive technology implying that a fertilized egg of a genetic mother is transplanted into the body of another woman (a surrogate mother), who carries and gives birth to a child. Herewith, the newborn is then given to a couple whose genetic material has been used for the fertilization.

Assisted reproductive technologies are methods of infertility treatment involving some or all stages of the conception and early embryo development being carried out outside the human body. The embryo implantation (or in-vitro fertilization - IVF) is one of the types of assisted reproductive technology. The procedure involves the participation of the three individuals put together by a surrogacy agency:

  1. Biological father - he provides sperm cells for fertilization and takes on his father's rights and responsibilities.
  2. Biological mother - she is an egg donor, whose ootid is used for fertilization. After the birth of the child, it is a biological mother who becomes a formal parent of the newborn (together with the biological father).
  3. Surrogate mother - it is a woman who agrees to carry and give birth to a child conceived with the genetic material of other people. Just after a child is born, a surrogate mother gives the baby to his genetic parents.

As the surrogacy definition proves, this technology is an alternative method of solving the problem of infertility, which many couples face due to different reasons. So what is the meaning of surrogacy? In what cases can couples resort to surrogate motherhood in a surrogacy agency?

As a general rule, the need for surrogate motherhood is associated with the situation when a woman cannot conceive and bear a child, and there may be several reasons for this:

  • pregnancy poses a threat to the physical condition or even a life of a woman;
  • absence, underdevelopment, or deformation of the uterus;
  • uterine diseases that cannot be cured;
  • repeated manipulations of IVF that didn’t lead to pregnancy.

Apart from the above indications, there can also be cases when a woman for some reason doesn’t want to carry and give birth to a child herself. In this case, surrogacy is a good option. What’s more, surrogate motherhood is the only way for same-sex couples to have their genetic child in a surrogacy agency. It is not so easy to define surrogacy since it is a very complex procedure performed in several stages and requiring high professionalism of the reproductionist for the success of the manipulation. This is what specialists of Feskov Human Reproduction group are strong at. Years of experience, real medical talent, and deep knowledge of the infertility problem and all aspects of the condition are key factors explaining high success rates we boast of.

The procedure of artificial insemination and embryo transfer is carried out in licensed medical institutions only; the written consent of spouses and a surrogate mother (and a husband of hers, if any) is required. As a general rule, the information about the donor's personality (in case of egg donation) is a medical secret kept by a surrogacy agency. However, biological parents have the right to obtain information about the procedure of artificial insemination and embryo implantation, the medical and legal aspects of the procedure, results of the medical genetic examination, etc.

Surrogacy History

The history of surrogate motherhood dates back several thousand years. Initially this method had nothing in common with the modern assisted reproductive technology. In the countries of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, if the wife could not carry and bear a healthy child, a husband had the right to find a “more fertile” woman to bear a child for a sterile couple.

traditional surrogacy agency

Oddly enough, the technique of the so-called traditional surrogate motherhood existed until the second half of the last century. The surrogacy history says that the world's first surrogacy agency, discovered by the U.S. lawyer N. Keane in 1976, practiced in vivo fertilization for a long time, with no obstacles being posed from the authorities.

Important Facts from the History of Surrogacy

  • In 1944, the first attempt of artificial insemination was made at Harvard University. As a result of the egg fertilization in the laboratory, it was possible to obtain a zygote, which further developed into a two-cell embryo. At that point of time, the experiment hasn’t brought expected results. Only after nine years of hard work, the scientists did manage to achieve the full development of the embryo and successfully transferred it into the uterine cavity of a woman. Unfortunately, this pregnancy was ectopic. Only a year later, the doctors managed to carry out the transfer of the eight-cell embryo, which has been successfully implanted in the uterus. As a result of surrogate pregnancy in England, the world's first artificially conceived girl Louise Brown was born. A year later, the world's first IVF boy was born in Austria.
  • The first child to be born as a result of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) was Louise Brown. She was born in July, 1978. The procedure of in-vitro fertilization was conducted more than 40 years ago, on November 10, 1977. The surrogacy agency supported it.
  • Patrick Steptoe (embryologist) and Robert Edwards (gynaecologist) are considered to be pioneers of surrogate motherhood in the UK. Embryos of genetic parents, which were obtained as a result of in-vitro fertilization, were transferred to the sister of a sterile woman. In 1989, she gave birth to a child.
  • Noel Keen, a lawyer from Michigan, is considered to be the “inventor” of surrogacy and the first surrogacy agency. For twelve years, more than three hundred procedures of artificial fertilization have been carried out in his clinic.
  • 1980 is the year when the US implemented a surrogacy motherhood program in a surrogacy agency.
  • 1980 is the year when the first IVF child was born in Australia after 8 years of experiments carried out by Carl Wood and Alex Lopata.
  • According to another story, the first case of successful surrogate motherhood was officially announced in 1980. The status of the first surrogate mother was given to 37-year-old Elizabeth Kane from Illinois. She carried and gave birth to a child for a sterile woman suffering from a blocked fallopian tube.
  • In the period between 2004 and 2008, almost 35 thousand children were born via surrogate motherhood in the USA.
  • In 2010, the British scientist Robert Edwards was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his achievements in the development of the technology of artificial insemination.

Over the past 10 years, the number of infertile couples who have resorted to the program in the surrogacy agency has increased by over 17.5%. Three to four children born by a surrogate mother are accounted for every 100,000 diagnosed cases of infertility. There is nothing weird in the statistics. High technological development of reproductive medicine allows reproductive specialists to cope with cases of sterility of any complexity. Risks associated with the procedure are reduced at minimum, and success rates are quite high.

Obviously, it is extremely important to find highly professional surrogacy agency and clinic to perform the procedure in. Its reputation, specialists, equipment, claimed success rates, and customer reviews - all these matter. If you are searching for the modern reproductive technology center, Feskov Human Reproduction surrogacy agency is definitely worth your attention. We are a renowned surrogacy agency with a worldwide reputation, that knows just everything about fertilization stage, and other things about the health of the future child.

Types of Surrogacy

What are the types of surrogate motherhood? It is one of the most common questions asked by people who are interested in this method of infertility treatment. With the active development of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), more couples are considering different opportunities to have children, and surrogate motherhood is one of them.

There are different types of surrogacy. Thus, for example, surrogate motherhood can be carried out in two forms. It can be either genetic surrogate motherhood (a traditional form) or a relatively new gestational surrogacy technique. In the first case, the genetic material of a surrogate mother is used for fertilization, while gestational surrogacy presupposes that there is no biological connection between a surrogate mother and a child.

According to another classification, surrogacy can be either commercial or altruistic. The main difference between the two is that a surrogate mother in the first case receives financial compensation for providing services in a surrogacy agency. When it comes to commercial surrogate motherhood, the couple is to compensate for all the expenses associated with the procedure and pay a particular amount to a surrogate mother; the sum is specified in the contact. On the other hand, altruistic surrogacy usually involves a relative of a family friend, who agrees to perform a role of a surrogate couple for free.

There are also many cases of independent surrogate motherhood, when the couple finds a surrogate mother without involving an external surrogacy agency, or international surrogacy, when people go to another country to find a mother for their kid. What’s more, same-sex couples and single men or women can also resort to the procedure and experience the joy of parenthood.

Traditional Surrogacy

Despite being similar in their nature, traditional and gestational surrogacy types have major differences. Traditional surrogacy presupposes the conception of a child using the genetic material of the father and the egg of the surrogate mother. At this point, it is important to note that a woman who carries a child is his biological mother. Fertilization can occur in a natural way, with the help of intrauterine insemination of spermatozoa (VMI), or in the laboratory by dint of in-vitro techniques (IVF).

The main difference between surrogacy and gestational carrier is mainly associated with the biological material used in the procedure. In case a woman in a couple suffers from incurable sterility, traditional surrogate motherhood can be the only option for her to have a child. In this case, a surrogate mother is also performing a function of an egg donor.

Gestational Surrogacy

Gestational surrogacy has appeared only with the development of assisted reproductive technologies and modern infertility treatment. In this case, the surrogate mother has no biological connection with the child she is intended to give birth to. She just carries an embryo of biological parents (customers) or potential parents who have no biological connection with the child (if the law allows it). Moreover, the couple who has medical indications for the use of donor sperm or oocytes will in any case be considered the official parents of the child born by a surrogate mother.

As per gestational surrogacy definition, there are two important aspects of surrogate motherhood:

  1. The presence of a genetic bond between the parents and the child (embryo).
  2. The presence of a notarized agreement between the two sides obliging a couple to give a financial reward to a surrogate mother and binding the latter to give a newborn to his parents.

There are four variants of the gestational surrogacy process:

  1. The first option implies the use of the genetic material of the couple. In this case, a child has a biological connection with his parents.
  2. The second option is associated with the use of the donor sperm and the egg of the biological mother (IVF surrogacy). This type of surrogacy is indicated for couples who cannot conceive a child because of male sterility, single women, and same-sex couples.
  3. The third option involves the use of a donor egg and sperm cells of a father. There are no restrictions on who can become an oocyte donor. The role of the donor can be performed by either a surrogate mother (traditional surrogacy) or any other woman who meets the requirements of the program.
  4. In the fourth case, the genetic material of other people is used for the conception. It can be any people who adhere to the main requirements to be sperm/ egg donors. This surrogacy type is indicated for couples who cannot conceive due to both male and female sterility, or health issues that prevent them from having a healthy child.

Commercial Surrogacy

The main distinctive feature of commercial surrogacy is that the procedure involves a financial reward to a surrogate mother paid in a surrogacy agency. The compensation amount varies depending on what country a surrogate mother comes from, and where the procedure of in-vitro fertilization is carried out. Regardless of the reward amount, the exact sum is to be specified in an agreement concluded by the two sides, and notarized by a lawyer of a surrogacy agency.

There is an active commercial surrogacy debate disputing about the ethical aspect of the practice. Although thousands of fertility-challenged couples have managed to become happy parents thanks to commercial surrogate motherhood, there are still many who treat the practice as a profitable business and want to have it banned. The fact that commercial surrogacy has become legal in many well-developed around the world countries says a lot, proving the importance of the procedure.

Altruistic surrogacy

A couple can also ask their relative or friend to become a surrogate mother of their child. It is a case of altruistic surrogacy that presupposes no financial compensation to a woman carrying and giving birth to a child. Although a couple doesn't pay for the services of a surrogate mother, they still need to cover all expenses associated with the procedure, namely,

  • Medical expenses (for medical tests, IVF procedure, embryo transfer, fertility injections, delivery costs, etc.);
  • Donation fees (if any were applied);
  • Surrogacy agency attorney fees;
  • Surrogacy agency counseling expenses;
  • Extra fees for maternity clothing, transport, etc.;
  • Other surrogacy agency fees.

Although a couple can save a lot with altruistic surrogate motherhood, since a surrogate mother is a family friend or relative, they should never forget about the legal aspect of the treatment. What’s the case is, we strongly recommend you to conclude a legal agreement with a surrogate mother before the procedure. For this, you can involve a surrogacy agency lawyer.

Independent Surrogacy

As a general rule, a full-service surrogacy agency provides the whole range of services, which include everything from advertising, matching, and screening to counseling, surrogacy planning, and process coordination. In case of independent surrogacy, intended parents are to outsource particular services from the necessary professionals. A couple can also find a surrogate mother themselves, without involving a surrogacy agency. This practice is called independent surrogacy or private surrogacy. A good thing about this surrogacy type is that you do not have to page surrogacy agency fees. However, there is another side of the medal - you risk falling into the trap of scammers. At the same time, it is necessary to know everything about the procedure to be able to manage and plan all the processes yourself.

Surrogacy for Single Men

More and more single men are today turning to Feskov Human Reproduction group to experience the joy of being a father. Surrogacy for single man is an easy process from a medical perspective; however, it is very complex and difficult when it comes to the legal aspect of the matter. The thing is that the government of many countries puts tough demands to those resorting to this practice or even prohibits it. The same situation comes to child adoption: a single man will most likely receive refusal from the guardianship agency. Nevertheless, there is always a way out - specialists of our surrogacy agency know legislation well and will help you find a legal solution.

Taking into account all of the above difficulties encountered when trying to adopt a child, more and more people resort to the services of single father surrogacy in our surrogacy agency. In this case, a sperm of a single man and donor eggs are used for the fertilization; surrogate mother only carries and gives birth to a child. To avoid any legal problems, it is better to select a woman who is ready to participate in the program of the surrogacy agency and sign a contract.

How Does Surrogacy Work?

A surrogacy agency is the only chance to become a mother for women who cannot bear the child on their own due to certain reasons. If you cannot conceive and carry a child, surrogacy is an option for you to consider. Despite being an effective infertility treatment, surrogacy is a complex procedure requiring a profound preparation. So how does surrogacy work, and what is to be done for the procedure to be successful?

Step 1 - Consult a Doctor

Before undergoing treatment, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist to determine a cause of the problem and select the most appropriate therapy. There may be some other variants, except for surrogacy; you need to consider all of them before making a decision. What is more, surrogate motherhood is quite a specific procedure that requires good psychological preparation, so meet a psychologist to understand if you are ready for a procedure.

Step 2 - Decide on a Clinic/ Surrogacy Agency

If you are aware of how surrogacy works and decide on a procedure, the next step will be selecting a clinic to carry out the treatment. It is a very responsible step, which may determine the success of the procedure. Before concluding a contract with any medical establishment, check the clinic’s history and reputation, what specialists work there, and what equipment is at their service. Customer review and success rates will also say a lot about the professionalism of the clinic.

On top of that, you can use services of a highly-qualified surrogacy agency like Feskov Human Reproduction group to provide a full range of services associated with the procedure of surrogacy - from medical assistance to legal services. At this point, a reproductive scientist should advise you on what surrogacy type is to be applied in your particular case (traditional or gestational).

Step 3 - Select a Surrogate Mother

There are two approaches to the task: you can ask a surrogacy agency to find a surrogate mother in their database, or do your own search. In the first case, you will get a surrogate mother who meets all the requirements to be involved in a procedure, but you will need to pay surrogacy agency fees for their search services. In case you decide to find a surrogate mother yourself, be ready that it may take a lot of time, unless you already have someone ready to carry and give birth to your child.

Step 4 - Conclude a Contract

The surrogacy program cannot be based on verbal agreements. Only the conclusion of a treaty between biological parents and a surrogate mother can be a kind of guarantee that the rights of the two sides are legally supported. To avoid any risks, it is necessary to specify all possible terms and conditions, as well as the responsibilities of both parties, in the contract. The contract should be concluded before the program being initiated and notarized by a lawyer.

Step 5 - Start the Program

The surrogacy program starts with the full medical examination of biological parents and surrogate mother. At the next stage, synchronization of menstrual cycles of a biological and surrogate mother is performed. The main purpose of the manipulation is to create ideal conditions for the transferred embryo.

Surrogacy Process - Everything from A to Z

Medical Examination

At the very first stage of the surrogacy process, a full medical examination of biological parents and a surrogate mother is performed. What’s more, close attention is paid to the physical/ emotional condition of the woman who is going to carry and give birth to a child. For this purpose, a woman should undergo numerous medical tests for the surrogacy procedure to be successful:

  1. Full clinical blood test - it determines the presence or absence of inflammatory processes in the body and identifies the level of hemoglobin and the number of platelets in the blood. Results are valid for 30 days.
  2. The blood type biochemical study - it identifies whether a woman has any abnormalities in the functioning of internal organs, in particular of the liver and renal system. Results are valid for 30 days.
  3. Hormonal diagnostics - the indices of FSH, LH, inhibin B, prolactin, TZ, Free T4, TSH etc. are determined.
  4. Determination of the level of blood clotting - coagulogram shows INR, PTT, PTI, D-dimer. Results are valid for 30 days.
  5. Urine analysis of general type - the result is valid for 30 days.
  6. Determination of the blood group and Rh factor - in case a surrogate mother has a negative Rhesus factor, there is a high risk of Rh-conflict. In this case, the body will reject the fetus.
  7. Enzyme multiplied immunoassay - the ELISA test determines the presence of hepatitis, syphilis and HIV in a woman. Results are valid for 90 days.
  8. Examination of microflora by a swab - the test determines the presence or absence of gonococci and trichomonads. Results are valid for 30 days.
  9. Onco-cytological examination - the endocervical smear is examined. The results are valid for 12 months.
  10. Electrocardiography - The results are valid for 12 months.
  11. Check on the pathologies of the infectious type - the test identifies the presence or absence of herpes, rubella, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus and two types of mycoplasma in the female organism. The results are valid for 6 months.
  12. General physical examination - to be carried out every year.
  13. Pelvic examination - to be carried out before the superovulation period to evaluate the condition of the genital organs with ultrasound control.
  14. Psychiatry's medical check - The results are valid for 12 months.

The above medical examination is aimed at determining the physical condition of a surrogate mother and further treatment planning. Specialists of Feskov Human Reproduction group strongly recommend you to pay attention to the last point in the examination map. Since surrogacy is a procedure that requires a serious emotional preparation, results of the psychiatry's medical check should be considered.

Menstrual Cycle Synchronization

At the next stage, gynecologists synchronize the menstrual cycles of both women. This is necessary for harvesting eggs for surrogacy and the subsequent reception of embryos. The procedure is also necessary to prepare the body of a surrogate mother for the embryo transfer.

Sex Cells Collection

At this stage, reproductive specialists obtain sex cells for their future fertilization. With the help of anesthesia, the mature eggs are extracted from the ovaries. And husband’s sperm is collected. In case of male sterility, donor seed can be used for fertilization. The semen is treated in a special medium in order to extract the most mobile spermatozoa.

In-Vitro Fertilization

By mixing the reproductive cells of a man and a woman, the embryologist places them in a special incubator for the fertilization to occur. There are some other methods of the so-called artificial insemination which stimulates the inactive spermatozoon to reach the goal. The injection with a micromanipulator (ICSI) helps couples conceive a child in case of a male factor of infertility.

Embryo Transfer

When artificial insemination is completed, the fertilized eggs remain under constant observation by embryologists. The implantation of embryos occurs after the embryologist chooses the most viable one.

Surrogacy Process with Feskov Human Reproduction Center

Feskov Human Reproduction group has helped many couples around the world become happy parents. Every year, hundreds of healthy children are born by surrogate mothers selected by our clinic. Of course, the surrogacy process is long and difficult, but the result justifies all your expectations. After all, in the end, you will sweep up your long-awaited child. A high level of professionalism and attentive attitude of medical staff to each client will help you overcome any difficulties you may face.

Surrogacy Success Rate

Surrogacy success rate is highly dependable on the effectiveness of the IVF procedure, which varies from 40% to 75%. There are many factors influencing the success of the treatment. Among them are the age of a biological mother, the duration of infertility (if it is the case), the presence of hormonal disorders, etc. With the increase in the age of a woman, the probability of a successful in-vitro fertilization attempt decreases.

Therefore, the issues of timely diagnosing and adequate treatment initiation become especially important to reach high surrogacy IVF success rates. The earlier treatment is started, the higher success rate of gestational surrogacy will be.

Over the years, the reproductive technology has been significantly improved, and now the efficiency of the procedure in the professional IVF clinic can be over 75%. However, everything is relative, and surrogacy statistics depend on a number of factors. High qualification of the specialists of the IVF clinic is another important element of success. Careful diagnosis of all causes of infertility, proper preparation for entry into the protocol, well-chosen scheme of induction of ovulation, and flawless implementation of the embryological stage directly affect the result of the procedure.

Further, the result of IVF is significantly influenced by the quality of equipment and consumables used in the clinic. The use of new incubators, modern workstations, and microscopes increases surrogacy success rates. It is also important what consumables (needles, pipettes, etc.) are used in the clinic.

Surrogacy Success Rates Statistics

  • USA - 72-75%;
  • Ukraine - 73%;
  • UK - 61-68%;
  • Israel - 45-50%;
  • Spain - 45%;
  • Japan - 42%;
  • Sweden - 40-42%.

Surrogacy Success Rates in Feskov Human Surrogacy Center

Considering professional approach of Feskov Human Reproduction center, it is obvious why we can boast of high surrogacy success rate. Before deciding on a treatment, each patient undergoes a full medical examination, with an individual therapy being selected based on all medical test results. The clinic hires only highly professional specialists, who regularly get professional training to keep abreast with the latest technological advancements. On top of that, high success rates are achieved due to the modern equipment used in the clinic. Each unit is tested and FDA approved.

Surrogacy Requirements

Once having decided to bear a child with the help of surrogacy program, you need to make sure to adhere to all surrogacy requirements in terms of emotional and financial readiness for the kid to be born. As a general rule, the government sets general criteria for surrogacy; however, they may slightly vary from one country to another:

  1. intended parents should be capable of providing parental care to the child;
  2. the two understand and accept the legal consequences of the surrogate motherhood contract, their rights, and obligations in connection with its conclusion;
  3. the couple should provide at least one gamete used for the fertilization, the formation of an embryo to be born by a surrogate mother;
  4. the couple should have medical indications for surrogacy, an affidavit statement confirmed by a qualified doctor;
  5. the two should have full legal capacity;
  6. intended parents should have reached a certain age (this requirement is justified by the need to take balanced and deliberate decisions).
  7. the family should have a stable income and be financially capable of providing good living conditions to a kid.

There are some other qualifications for surrogacy. The surrogate motherhood program is an emotionally weary process, which requires a serious emotional preparation from the intended parents. That’s why it is important to consult a psychologist first. What is more, taking into account all the expenses associated with the procedure, significant surrogacy cost is an issue. Therefore, it is always better to strike a balance in advance.

Obviously, surrogacy is a very complex business. And if you doubt any aspect of it, you can always address any question to specialists of Feskov Human Reproduction center. We provide any kind of assistance to our customers, from medical advisory to legal backing.

Surrogacy Pros and Cons

Using the services of a surrogate mother is one of the most important, but difficult and time-consuming methods of treating infertility, with many pros and cons of surrogacy being discussed today. Nevertheless, it remains the only way to have children for couples suffering from serious reproductive health problems, including deformity or congenital absence of the uterus or various contraindications for gestation and childbirth. Of course, everyone decides himself how to treat surrogate motherhood and decide on surrogacy pros and cons. From the very beginning, the phenomenon of surrogate motherhood has a lot of supporters and opponents - each group presenting its arguments for and against the procedure.

The arguments of supporters explain reasons for surrogacy. So why do people choose surrogacy? What are the benefits of the treatment?

  • Surrogate motherhood is the only way to have a child for those who cannot conceive and give birth to a baby in a natural way;
  • Thanks to surrogacy, same-sex couples can have a child who will be genetic to at least one of them;
  • The remuneration paid to the surrogate mother helps a woman to solve a lot of financial problems;
  • The biological mother of the unborn child can remain active and continue to work, without changing the normal rhythm of her life.
  • If to consider the situation as a whole, surrogate motherhood is one of the ways to overcome the demographic crisis.

Of course, there are some reasons against surrogacy.

  • It is believed that surrogacy “transforms” children into a commodity. However, it is difficult to see the practice of surrogacy from this angle since a surrogate mother doesn’t sell a child of herself but helps a sterile couple give birth to their biological kid. That is why the “work” of a surrogate mother is often compared with the work of a nanny: her mission is simply to provide comfort and peace to the baby, and then return a newborn to his biological parents.
  • For a surrogate mother, parting with a child could turn into a serious psychological trauma. This is one of the most powerful arguments against surrogate motherhood. Of course, the practice of surrogacy is associated with many risks. However, far from every woman can become a surrogate mother. Before being selected for the program, a woman undergoes a full medical examination, including a talk with a psychology specialist who determines her readiness in the procedure. Therefore, the risk of a surrogate mother having a psychological trauma is reduced at maximum.
  • Many people believe that biological parents will not experience a real parental love for a child born by a surrogate mother. This question is much more complicated than it may seem at first glance. Just like the above argument, psychological assistance is being provided to both sides participating in a program of surrogate motherhood. A couple should also understand all the specs of the treatment. In case intended people have a problem of this kind, they address this issue to the psychologist, who is then solving it together with the couple.
  • There may be cases when a surrogate mother does not want to give a newborn to his biological parents, despite the signed contract. And even this issue can be easily solved. Before initiating a program of surrogacy, the two sides conclude a contract specifying all terms and conditions of the agreement. The document is then notarized by a lawyer and is a kind of legal protection of rights of the two parties. Accordingly, there can be no circumstances preventing a surrogate mother from giving a newborn to his genetic parents.

Is surrogacy good or bad? A person should answer the question himself. However, we at Feskov Human Reproduction center support this option in the discussion for and against surrogacy. Being the only solution for some fertility-challenged couples, surrogate motherhood helps thousands of people experience a joy of parenthood and build a strong family. So find your own answer why choose surrogacy.

Surrogacy Ethics

Surrogacy is a new kind of services for our society, which is associated with medical aspects only. Surrogate motherhood has something to do with moral, ethical, religious, and legal aspects of the business. It is a complex practice, which explains surrogacy ethical and legal issues. Let us get all this straightened out.

Opponents of surrogate motherhood draw people's attention to such ethical issues of surrogacy:

  • There is a real threat to the physical and mental health of a surrogate mother - having agreed to bear a child for other parents, a surrogate mother puts her health at a serious risk. And this refers not only to the effects of hormonal drugs. There is also a high likelihood of early toxicosis in women carrying a genetically “unfriendly” fetus. On top of that, emotional stress and depression are some other conditions a surrogate mother can suffer from.
  • Change in family values and the institution of the family is another important point of surrogacy ethics is the destruction of family identity. It is believed that a child is very attached to the woman who carries and gives birth to him. Thus, surrogate motherhood creates a difficult situation when a child has a less strong emotional connection with his biological mother than that with a woman who gave birth to him. As a result, the family bond weakens, which may affect relations in the family.
  • The birth secret to be kept - the problem of confidentiality is very important. Unfortunately, it is often not so easy to keep the secret of a child’s birth. Many participants of surrogate motherhood programs share their experiences about it. They argue that sometimes it is very difficult to resist the desire to tell the truth.
  • The birth of a child in this way can adversely affect the mental state of his biological parents - during the implementation of procedures associated with surrogate motherhood, the psyche of genetic parents suffers. They may fear the termination of the agreement with a surrogate mother or complications of pregnancy. That’s why it is extremely important to immediately address any issue to the psychologist.

People's attitude to surrogate motherhood is not yet unambiguous; there are many disputes and discussions on surrogacy ethical issues. But at the same time, surrogate motherhood is allowed at the legislative level in a number of countries. Developed countries advocate for the procedure, which says a lot about its importance and relevance for the society.

Surrogacy Laws

The problem of infertility in the modern world is extremely acute. According to statistics, 15-17% of married couples after months or even years of trying to conceive a child do not reach their goal. This problem can be solved by surrogate motherhood or adoption. At this point, many couples give preference to surrogacy since you never know the heredity of the adopted baby, whereas surrogate motherhood allows you to have a biological child of yours.

In Ukraine, it is possible to have a child born by a surrogate mother. The local legislation regulating this sphere is one of the most loyal in the world. However, the way of treating surrogate motherhood is different in different countries. Therefore, before carrying out a procedure in your local area, you should know in what countries this practice is prohibited and what aspects it involves. Knowing surrogacy laws will save your time, money, and nerves. Is surrogacy legal in your local area? Is paid surrogacy legal? Read further to know the answers.

Legislation around the World

Depending on the status of surrogate motherhood, we can identify four groups of states at the legislative level:

  1. Countries where surrogate motherhood is completely allowed (only some restrictions are possible). Among these countries are Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, South Africa, and the United States (some states). Surrogate motherhood, including commercial surrogacy, is legally allowed in the US (in most states, although legislation varies widely from one state to another).
  2. Countries whose legislation provides for significant restrictions on surrogate motherhood. This is the UK, Greece, Canada, Australia, Israel, etc. In the above countries, a surrogate mother can provide assistance on a non-reimbursable basis only. She is compensated only for the costs of medical care and some other expenses associated with pregnancy. Non-commercial surrogate motherhood is also allowed in Denmark (with severe restrictions), Spain, and the Netherlands.
  3. Countries whose surrogacy law prohibits the practice at the legislative level. Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, Austria, and some US states are among the areas that do not support surrogate motherhood.
  4. Countries where surrogate motherhood is practiced but not regulated at the legislative level. This is Finland, Belgium, Japan, and many states of Latin America. Here, procedures related to surrogate motherhood are carried out by private clinics only.

All in all, Ukraine is the leader in providing surrogacy services in the world. It is the only country where the interests of parents are protected at maximum, whose medical expertise is at a high level, and whose gene pool is strong and clean.

What is a Surrogacy Arrangement?

If local authorities in your area claim surrogacy illegal, you can easily go to another state whose legislation doesn’t put any restrictions to this practice. At this point, it is important to find an international surrogacy lawyer to consult before signing an agreement with the clinic and a surrogate mother. A surrogacy attorney will keep you informed about all the legal aspects of the procedure, and help you draw up a surrogacy contract.

It is quite risky to participate in a surrogacy program without concluding a contract - you may face a risk of being cheated or robbed. Therefore, we strongly recommend you to hire a lawyer, who would lead and control all legal aspects of the procedure, as we protect all your interests. When drawing up a contract, make sure to specify all the terms, conditions, and circumstances related to surrogacy. In this document, a surrogate mother should confirm that she doesn’t have any legal rights to keep the newborn.

Surrogacy agencies

There are many surrogacy agencies to choose from, but this doesn’t mean that all of them are worth your attention, time, and money. But how can you differentiate top surrogacy agencies from second-rate companies that give only claims and nothing more? There are several criteria you should check to understand the level of a surrogacy agency and the way it approaches its clients.

As a general rule, professional surrogate companies provide extended services to their customers. This could be a general counselling about the procedure of surrogacy, medical advisory, or even consulting on legal matters. On top of that, they usually have a database of potential surrogate mothers, who have already undergone a full medical examination and are ready for the program. In the workforce of best surrogacy agencies, there are gynaecologists, reproductive scientists, lawyers, coordinators, managers, personal assistants, etc.

History of surrogate agencies and customer reviews are among those things you need to check before resorting to any highest paying surrogacy agency. Flawless reputation on the market and many years of successful functioning are usually good signs proving professionalism of the best surrogate agencies. As a general principle, such companies deal with top reproductive medicine clinics and boast of high success rates. So, reliable surrogacy agencies reviews will help you distinguish them. Another distinctive feature of a trusted surrogacy agency is the market it is oriented on. Big professional agencies are usually servicing extensive markets and are not limited to a single country only. For example, Feskov Human Reproduction center works with customers from the US and European countries, such as the UK, Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, and Austria.

Surrogacy Agencies Near Me - How to Find a Good One?

If you are googling “surrogacy agencies near me” trying to find the one at your local area, forget about contacting a really professional surrogacy agency. Sometimes being close to the place of your residence does not mean a better choice. After all, you need to pay attention to many nuances: the price, level of care, laws, surrogacy agency history, and customer reviews. In case you have any doubts about the professionalism of the surrogacy agency, it is better to resort to the services of a different surrogacy agency.

We strongly recommend you to select a surrogacy agency based on its professional level and not the location of its office. That’s why many customers resort to the practice of international surrogacy. Thus, for example, if you become a customer of Feskov Human Reproduction center, you benefit from:

  • individual approach to each customer;
  • earthy prices;
  • database of potential surrogate mothers;
  • availability of a full-service package (attorney assistance included);
  • loyal legislation in the country;
  • high level of reproductive medicine development.

International Surrogacy

The practice of international surrogacy is quite widespread today. This fact is associated with surrogacy legislation varying in different countries. Considering the fact that surrogate motherhood is prohibited in some states, fertility-challenged couples have to go to other countries whose legislation is more loyal to the practice. No surprise that they find a solution in international agencies providing their services to foreign customers. Surrogacy laws are different in different states; let us straight out how the matter stands in different countries.

Surrogacy Ukraine

Strict or opaque legislation of many countries and the high cost of surrogacy service force couples to seek surrogate mothers outside their own country. Ukraine is considered the European center of the reproductive tourism. Ukrainian legislation is loyal; prices on surrogacy in Ukraine are affordable, and the level of medicine is at a high level. No surprise that many couples head to Ukraine in search of a surrogate mother to give birth to their child.

Ukraine is one of the few countries in the world where the use of the majority of reproductive technologies, in particular surrogate motherhood and egg donation, is completely legal. In this regard, Ukrainian lawmakers were much more progressive than most of their European counterparts. What’s more, both altruistic and commercial surrogacy Ukraine are allowed by law.

For the surrogacy program to comply with all the legal norms, it is only needed to find a surrogate mother who adheres to all the requirements, and conclude a contract with her. If a function of a surrogate mother will be performed by a married woman, make sure to get a written consent of her husband confirming his agreement his wife’s participation in the program. Loyal legislation and earthy prices make Ukraine a top destination for fertility-challenged couples. On top of that, Ukraine is known to be a country with a strong gene pool, pretty and healthy people, and a conservative institute of maternity. Multiple surrogacy Ukraine reviews prove that. Based on Ukraine surrogacy reviews, Feskov Human Reproduction center is a leader in working with English-speaking clients from the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, and the rest of Europe. High-level customer orientation and advanced service have helped us build a strong brand and flawless reputation in the industry. For the customer’s comfort and satisfaction, our surrogacy agency provides a full range of services to our clients. The surrogacy agency managers are fluent in English, German, Spanish, and French, and will answer any questions, whether these are about medical or legal aspects of the business.

Surrogacy USA

The US is one of the countries where IVF and surrogate motherhood practices were first applied. Reproductive technologies in this country have been in use since 1980, but there is no single law on surrogate motherhood that operates throughout the entire country. Every state has its own legislation. For example, in Arizona, New Jersey, and Michigan, surrogate motherhood is completely prohibited. What’s more, there is a fine of $ 50,000 or five years imprisonment for surrogate motherhood in the state of Michigan. On the other hand, in the state of New York, surrogate motherhood is allowed, but not commercial surrogacy. California and Florida are considered the most surrogacy friendly states. In California, there are almost no restrictions in this regard - any citizen can conclude a contract with a surrogate mother, regardless of his sexual orientation or marital status. The procedure of parental rights transfer is also simplified in that area. Thus, California surrogacy laws are the most loyal ones throughout the whole country.

Florida is another attractive state for couples who want to use the services of a surrogate mother or in-vitro fertilization. Here, the so-called autonomous fatherhood programs are allowed by law - when a single man has the right to use a donor egg and a surrogate mother for the birth of a child. Besides, there are no restrictions on the use of the services of a surrogate mother for same-sex couples. Therefore, Florida attracts the maximum number of childless families both from neighboring states and other countries. The state is just perfect for surrogacy tourism, despite the high cost of the services.

In those states where surrogate motherhood is allowed, special attention is paid to the legal regulation of this business. The presence of the relevant laws on surrogacy USA and legal support for the surrogate motherhood program protects the rights of genetic parents. Apart from progressive surrogacy laws in USA, the level of medicine is very advanced in the country, which explains high success rates and successful attempts of in-vitro fertilization.

The main disadvantage of surrogacy in the USA is a high cost of the procedure, which exceeds $110,000. The total amount depends on the success of IVF, surrogacy agency fees, and financial compensation to a surrogate mother. Here are some of the approximate expenses associated with the procedure of surrogacy in the USA:

  • examination of a surrogate mother - $1,500 - $5,000;
  • medical supplies for a surrogate mother - $3,500;
  • financial reward for a surrogate mother - $20,000 - $60,000;
  • services of a lawyer - $6,000 - $10,000;
  • medical insurance for a surrogate mother - $5,000;
  • clinic/ surrogacy agency fees - $35,000;
  • additional expenses - $5,000.

Taking into account the cost of the procedure, only rich people can afford to pay for surrogacy in the USA. On top of that, surrogacy laws by state vary greatly.

US State Surrogacy Laws

Is surrogacy legal in all 50 states? What is the status of surrogacy legislation in your native state? Find more info in the table below.

State - Surrogacy Legal (Yes/ No) Alabama (AL) - Yes Alaska (AK) - Yes Arizona (AZ) - Yes/No* Arkansas (AR) - Yes California (CA) - Yes Colorado (CO) - Yes Connecticut (CT) - Yes Delaware (DE) - Yes Florida (FL) - Yes Georgia (GA) - Yes Hawaii (HI) - Yes Idaho (ID) - Yes/No* Illinois (IL) - Yes Indiana (IN) - No/Yes** Iowa (IA) - Yes/No* Kansas (KS) - Yes Kentucky (KY) - Yes Louisiana (LA) - No Maine (ME) - Yes/No* Maryland (MD) - Yes Massachusetts (MA) - Yes Michigan (MI) - No Minnesota (MN) - Yes/No* Mississippi (MS) - Yes/No* Missouri (MO) - Yes Montana (MT) - Yes Nebraska (NE) - No/Yes** Nevada (NV) - Yes New Hampshire (NH) - Yes New Jersey (NJ) - Yes New Mexico (NM) - Yes New York (NY) - No North Carolina (NC) - Yes North Dakota (ND) - Yes Ohio (OH) - Yes Oklahoma (OK) - Yes Oregon (OR) - Yes Pennsylvania (PA) - Yes Rhode Island (RI) - Yes South Carolina (SC) - Yes South Dakota (SD) - Yes Tennessee (TN) - No/Yes** Texas (TX) - Yes Utah (UT) - Yes Vermont (VT) - Yes Virginia (VA) - No/Yes** Washington (WA) - No West Virginia (WV) - Yes Wisconsin (WI) - Yes Wyoming (WY) - No/Yes**

*Although the un-enforceability of surrogacy contracts, gestational surrogacy is practiced in the area.

**Only gestational surrogacy is permitted with no statute or published case law prohibiting it.

Surrogacy UK

The UK legislation is tolerable to surrogate motherhood. In 1990, the British Parliament passed a law on surrogate motherhood. The same legal act was issued by the Department of Artificial Insemination and Embryology regulating in-vitro fertilization process, the storage of sperm and embryos, as well as the development of research in embryology. The goal of the department is to provide all the information to people who are interested in surrogacy UK. The act stipulates that the family may require the court to recognize the child as its own if:

  • the couple is married;
  • the child was conceived with the gametes of one of the spouses;
  • the request was made during the first 6 months after the birth of the child;
  • at least one of the parents is a British citizen;
  • the parents of the child are already 18 years old;
  • the place of residence of the child is the same as the place of residence of the parents;
  • a surrogate mother must abandon the child from the 6th week after his birth.

Surrogacy laws in UK are rather ambiguous. On the one hand, there is nothing prohibiting surrogacy, but at the same time, the government bans the practice of commercial surrogate motherhood. If a couple doesn’t succeed in finding a woman for “altruistic” surrogacy England, they will be forced to go to another country for a surrogate motherhood services.

Surrogacy in India

Surrogacy in India is very popular. Thousands of couples from all over the world come to a country with the only purpose - to find a surrogate mother. India is considered almost as Mecca of surrogate motherhood. From year to year, the number of surrogate mothers in this country is actively growing. For this reason, India has already managed to get the unspoken title of “the world center of surrogate motherhood.” >According to surrogacy laws in India, the newborn baby is immediately given to his genetic parents, and the surrogate mother does not have any rights to keep the child. The cost of Indian surrogacy is three times less than in Europe; however, the service and the level of medicine are not comparable as well. The success rates of surrogacy India are way lower, and the country itself cannot boast of the advanced level of medicine. Therefore, if you are considering India surrogacy, think of all the cons and nuances. Surrogacy laws in India 2013 have tightened the rules for providing surrogacy services in India for foreigners. The Ministry of the Interior of India outlined the new rules that prohibit surrogate motherhood for homosexual couples. Now, only men and women who are married for more than two years can use the services of a surrogate mother. According to the legal aspects of surrogacy in India, only such foreign couples will get a visa to enter the country with the purpose of concluding a surrogate motherhood contract.

However, the latest news on surrogacy in India state that many gay couples from Europe, the United States, and Australia have become parents using the services of Indian surrogate mothers. The procedure is beneficial due to weak local legislation and lower costs on surrogacy Kolkata and surrogacy in Ghana compared with Western countries. Surrogacy laws in India 2016 make the control of couples resorting to surrogacy in the country stricter.

Mexico Surrogacy

Mexico surrogacy is still a legal option for many couples, although the situation has significantly changed since the new laws were issued in 2016, with new risks and opportunities having emerged. The practice is regulated by state law rather than federal law — just like in the United States.

There is no federal law making surrogacy Mexico illegal. What is more, the practice of surrogate motherhood has only been legislated in two of the thirty-one states. But the absence of a prohibition for surrogacy in Mexico is not the same as legalization. For many years, Tabasco was the only state whose explicit laws supported surrogate motherhood. However, the situation changed at the beginning of 2016, when the state government has placed Mexico surrogacy ban in that state. At the current stage, surrogacy for foreigners is illegal in Tabasco, whereas other Mexican states still have no surrogacy legislation.

Surrogacy in Different Countries

The situation with surrogacy in different countries varies a lot and is far from being stable. Legislative acts regulating the practice of surrogate motherhood are being regularly issued, which changes the business. If you are considering international surrogacy and do not know what country to choose, find below the information about states you may consider for surrogate motherhood services.

Surrogacy Scotland

Although surrogate motherhood is legal in the country, there are still some nuances to be aware of. According to the Scottish law, the surrogate mother is considered a legal mother of a child. If the surrogate is in the official marriage or in a civil partnership, then her husband is considered the second parent of the child. This fact excludes the chance of the intended parents from having any legal rights to the child.

Russia Surrogacy

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, surrogate motherhood is a legal procedure in the country. Nevertheless, despite the fact that the state provides support to surrogate mothers in Russia and the surrogate motherhood institution itself, there are some “pitfalls.” The main problem is the definition of the “official” mother of a newborn; it is the woman who gave birth to a child. Genetic parents can obtain the official status only after the surrogate mother signs an official document on the child refusal.

Surrogacy in Thailand

Previously, there were no Thailand surrogacy laws regulating the practice of surrogate motherhood. However, the military country government has recently decided to put an end to commercial surrogacy, equating it with a criminal offense.

Gestational Surrogacy Singapore

While there are no laws that explicitly ban surrogacy in Singapore, it is still considered to be an illegal practice for health institutions to provide such services.

Surrogacy in Islam

Almost all Islamic states speak for artificial insemination in cases when the spouses cannot conceive a child in a traditional way. In this case, the husband's seed is placed in the uterus of the woman, where fertilization takes place. If the procedure goes beyond this scenario, artificial insemination is forbidden.

Why Is Surrogacy Illegal in Australia?

Australian laws do not prohibit surrogate motherhood; however, the procedure can be legally carried out on a non-refundable basis only. Based on existing surrogacy case studies Australia, the contract with surrogate mother excludes the possibility of paying a monetary reward to a woman carrying and giving birth to a child of other people.

Surrogacy Laws in Sri Lanka

There are no legislative acts that regulate or restrict surrogacy in the country. Therefore, many couples head to the country in search of a cheap surrogacy agency. Unfortunately, the level of customer service and success rates of the procedure are significantly low in Sri Lanka, which is associated with poor medicine standards.

Surrogacy Hong Kong

Commercial surrogate motherhood involves criminal liability according to the Human Reproductive Technology Ordinance of 2000. A surrogate mother is not allowed to bear a child for other people and get a monetary reward for it.

Is Surrogacy Legal in New Zealand?

Surrogacy legislation is quite complicated in New Zealand. Although the country government doesn’t pose any restrictions on the procedure of surrogate motherhood, the question of a newborn registration is challenging. Real official parents of a surrogate baby are those who gave birth to it, and not those whose genetic material was used for the conception.

Is Surrogacy Legal in Spain?

Surrogate motherhood is not explicitly prohibited in Spain, with no sanctions for the parties being involved. However, there are still some restrictions when it comes to assisted methods of reproductive medicine. Thus, for example, intended parents are not allowed to choose the sex of a child, choose egg donors themselves, use the biologic material of their relatives for conception, etc.

Surrogacy Poland

There are no clear laws regulating surrogacy in Poland, which means thousands of couples head to the country for health tourism.

Surrogacy Belgium

The country government of Belgium allows only altruistic surrogacy, which presupposes no financial reward to a surrogate mother. Commercial surrogate motherhood is strictly prohibited by law. Good news is that there is a legal framework for parental rights transfer from a surrogate mother to the biological parents of a child.

Surrogacy in Sweden

All types of surrogacy are illegal in Sweden. The country government explains this decision with the risks and ethical aspects associated with the procedure:

  • The womb-mother is exploited
  • Unsavory people can get a child
  • Unreliable people can try a baby and return it.

Cyprus Surrogacy

In the legal system of Cyprus, there are no legal acts regulating surrogacy, with no licensing scheme to control surrogacy arrangements. That’s why if you choose surrogacy programs in Cyprus, make sure to hire an attorney to lead the case and manage legal documents associated with the procedure.

Surrogacy Stories

There are many surrogacy stories which make a lot of people believe in the success of the procedure. Celebrities are real people; they have the same problems and fears, so when we read surrogacy success stories, it is really inspiring. The list of famous people who used the services of a surrogate mother and have their children born by a different woman is quite long:

  • Cristiano Ronaldo - the son of Cristiano Ronaldo was born in 2010 by the unknown woman, who received a reward of $10 million for her identity to be kept secret.
  • Elton John and David Furnish - the two had a surrogacy experience in January, 2010, when same-sex spouses had their first child, son Zakari born by a surrogate mother. The second child of the couple - Elijah - was born by the same surrogate mother two years later.
  • Matt Bomer and Simon Holls - this same-sex couple has three sons, and all were born by a surrogate mother.
  • Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick - there was already a son in a family, but in June 2009, the couple they became parents of twin girls born with the help of surrogate motherhood.
  • Michael Jackson - in 2002, an unknown surrogate mother gave birth to the son of Michael Jackson, Prince Michael Jackson II. The King of Pop paid about $20,000 for services.
  • Ricky Martin - the singer from Latin America has two sons born by a surrogate mother in 2008.

This list can be extended, since many celebrities today are resorting to the services of surrogate mothers. You can also find many surrogacy blogs of famous moms sharing their experience with subscribers. Thus, for example, Kim Kardashian shared the first picture of her newborn girl on a surrogacy blog having sweet surrogacy quotes below the post. All this is inspiring and makes us believe in the magic of surrogacy.

Final Thoughts

Surrogate motherhood is, of course, a very complex procedure that requires serious efforts and preparation from both a surrogate mother and intended parents. However, once you choose a professional surrogacy agency and clinic, you get all your problems and fears solved at once. A high level of modern reproductive medicine, attentive specialists, and full assistance throughout the entire process will make all your dreams come true. Just take into consideration that more than 50% of surrogate mothers become pregnant at the first attempt of IVF. The statistics prove the effectiveness of the procedure even for those couples who couldn’t conceive a baby after many years of attempts to get pregnant.

If you are searching for the international surrogacy agency with the high level of parental rights protection, advanced medical standards, and individual approach to each customer, then Feskov Surrogacy Agency is the right place for you. High success surrogacy rates and full medical, psychological, and legal assistance throughout the entire process - these are some of the ironclad guarantees provided to all customers of the surrogacy agency.

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