- 1
Package cost
- 2
Choice of child sex
- 3
Cover of risks up to childbirth
- 4
Special approach to choice of surrogate mother and pregnancy follow-up
Watch the video to learn more about the technology used in this package. watch the full video
- Examination of man before IVF
- Andrological examination, sperm tests: FISH, DNA-fragmentation, HBA-test, hormone tests, biochemical examination)
- Cryopreservation of semen
- Staying in hotel/accommodation, 3 times meal per day
- Unlimited number of IVF+ICSI program + embryos biopsy & cryopreservation, enough for creation of healthy embryo of desired gender
- PICSI, IMSI (special methods for spermatozoa’s selection)
- Preimplantation genetic diagnostics full genome screening by high resolution-NGS. Detection of chromosomes structure and quantity abnormalities + X and Y chromosomes.
- Surrogate mother providing + endometrium preparation
- Egg donor(s) selection and providing (European phenotype)
- Unlimited quantity of embryo transfers only healthy embryos (sex/gender of future baby determined by genetic parents!)
- Pregnancy management, transfer & living expenses for surrogate mother
- Pregnancy care and delivery in Ukraine
- Insurance for surrogate mother (on 12th weeks of pregnancy)
- Providing new IVF treatment in case of pregnancy termination at any gestational age
- Full compensation for surrogate mother services, including payments during the pregnancy
- Legal support (registration of documents for newborn child)
- Guest services, translation, transportation
We will put you in direct contact with the manager of the service you selected. You will be contacted as soon as possible.
- 01
Final decision for acceptance of man to program is making by IVF doctor of CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov»; IVF attempts with own eggs providing according age and ovarian reserve conditions
- 02
Medical examinations must be perform in CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov» only; “Gender Selection guarantee program” accepts only Costumers with the conditions of sperm quality “enough for IVF” according examinations performed in CHR “Clinic of prof. Feskov”
- 03
Gender of future baby is guaranteed in contract between clinic and genetic parents. 100 % birth of baby with selected gender
- 04
According to conditions of package, CHR «Clinic of prof. Feskov» provides service of guarantee live birth of healthy child with exact sex selection; in cases of miscarriage independently on term of pregnancy / child death before delivery / child death during delivery, all program will be done until couple will have baby.
Management of multiple pregnancy (twins; obtained after transfer of 1 embryo) is covered by the contract conditions. - 05
Payments according to individual schedule. No additional payments
- 06
The service is provided according the Balance package approach
- 01
Initial medical examination of Customer, living costs. No later than 14 banking days from the moment of signing the present Contract.
9 000€ - 02
Within 7 banking days before the start of IVF program
30 000€ - 03
During period between 12th and 13th weeks of gestation (embryo term).
10 000€ - 04
Within one banking day from the date of the child’s birth.
10 000€
Surrogacy Gender Selection: Options and Considerations
Choosing Baby Gender: Cost and Considerations
Gender Selection Europe and UK
Is surrogacy covered by insurance?
read moreThe surrogacy process itself is not fully covered. However, most of the steps, such as an examination, an assisted reproductive technology program, medication, and other related treatments, are covered depending on your insurance policy.What are the requirements for intended parents?
read moreWho can participate in surrogacy programs in Ukraine?
read moreHow much does surrogacy cost in India?
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