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Alexandra Zozulina

The Acting Head of the Department of IVF, an obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive system, the doctor SPL. ASRM, ESHRE

FHRG Department of IVF

  • Biography
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18 Years in FHRG


Director of the Kyiv branch of the clinic of Professor Feskov

Member of UARM - Ukrainian Association of Reproductive Medicine of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). He is a member of ESHRE - European Association of Human Reproduction and Embryology. Regularly publishes scientific papers in Ukrainian and foreign medical journals, takes part in conferences.

Obstetrician-gynecologist, Gynecologist-reproductologist, Ultrasound doctor, specialist in intimate contouring.

Experienced specialist in the field of in vitro fertilization, egg donation, gynecology and ultrasound diagnostics. Preparation for the program and selection of medications for IVF. Choosing the menstrual cycle, preparing the endometrium. Selection of drug support for pregnancy after IVF. Management of pregnancy and delivery. Professional knowledge of diagnostics in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. As a member of ESHRE, she works only within the framework of ethical considerations of reproduction.

Graduated from Kharkov National Medical University. Total professional experience - 20 years.

She has been working in the clinic of Professor Feskov since 2006.

Field of interest:

  • treatment of infertility in men
  • treatment of infertility in women
  • treatment of candidiasis
  • treatment of sexually transmitted infections and genital tract infections
  • treatment of ovarian cyst
  • treatment of menopausal disorders and pathologies
  • treatment of amenorrhea
  • treatment of oligomenorrhea
  • treatment of endometriosis
  • pregnancy management



  • 9-10 September 2023, London, UK

    International Symposium on Fetal Anomalies: BASICS & BEYOND. Received Certificate of Participation No. 090923-101620

  • May 19-20, 2023

    Participation in the scientific and practical conference “Family doctor on guard of the health of the nation in the hour of war” is confirmed by certificate No. 2023-1344-5503216-100086

  • April 20-21, 2023

    Took part in the seminar "Healthy women from A to Z. Current gynecological and obstetric guidelines and protocols." This is confirmed by Certificate of Participation No. 2023-1119-5501853-102028

  • April 6, 2023

    Took part in the master class "Knee pain: diagnostic algorithms and treatment options." Participation is confirmed by Certificate of Participation No. 2023-1043-5501939-100445

  • September 26, 2020

    7th World Congress on Preconception, Preimplantation and Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis. Received a Certificate of Participation.
    The 7th World Congress on Controversies in Preconception, Preimplantation and Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis (COGEN)

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