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Unlimited quantity of IVF attempts with own surrogate mother

Unlimited quantity of IVF attempts, including PGD. Limited cover of risks. Program with the use of own eggs with consideration of woman's age peculiarities.

Guaranteed surrogacy program Ukraine. Surrogate mother services + egg donation + PGD-NGS with sex determination.

Unlimited quantity of attempts of IVF + PGD (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis). Guaranteed birth of healthy child of certain sex.

Unlimited IVFs, including PGD up to childbirth. The package includes participation of surrogate mother and sperm donor. Birth of child by surrogate mother in Ukraine.

Balance Guarantee for single persons, Birth of child in Czech Republic

Guaranteed program IVF + PGD-NGS in Ukraine, delivery of a surrogate mother in Portugal

Unlimited quantity of attempts of IVF + PGD (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis). Guaranteed birth of healthy child. Program with the use of own eggs.

Guaranteed IVF + PGD-NGS program in Ukraine, delivery of a surrogate mother in Austria

Unlimited quantity of IVF + PGD attempts up to childbirth. The package includes birth of child in French-speaking country with simplified legalization.

IVF + Human Genomics + sex determination. Choice of egg donor of certain phenotype. Birth of child with normal chromosome set, detection of genic mutations. Legal support. No waiting list.

Guaranteed birth of child in Greece. Legal obtaining of European birth certificate with specification of names of biological parents.

A healthy child birth in the Czech Republic, unlimited IVF attempts. The package includes sex determitation and selection of an egg donor. Full legal support, fixed price

Unlimited quantity of IVF attempts, including PGD, up to childbirth. Limited cover of risks.

Guaranteed program with unlimited quantity of IVF. The package includes birth of child in Argentina with completed legal solution adopted for international legacy

Guaranteed birth of child in Netherlands. Legal obtaining of Netherlands birth certificate with simplified way for baby legalization in Netherlands; works for Couples, single man, single woman

Unlimited IVFs+PGD with your or donor oocytes. Guarantee of birth of healthy child. Implementation of Human Genomics Advanced scope for detection and prevention of genetic disorders

Guaranteed birth of child in Canada with obtainian Canadian passport. Full medical and legal support from first visit to clinic in Ukraine to leaving Canada with child.

Guaranteed birth of child in Great Britain. Legal obtaining of Great Britain birth certificate

Surrogate mother services + IVF NGS with healthy embryo+ sex selection. Delivery in USA
We will put you in direct contact with the manager of the service you selected. You will be contacted as soon as possible.
- Guaranteed result of IVF programs Unlimited programs IVF + ICSI / IVF + PGD (NGS / Karyomapping) Individual selection of an egg donor with the selection of a donor according to your phenotype The donor database for all races / nationalities Examination of embryo for all anomalies (only healthy embryos are transferable) Creating a perfect generation of healthy offspring Determination of the sex of the embryo on a turn-key basis / creation of the child of the sex chosen by you under the guaranteed conditions Determination of genetic mutations on the embryo Ensuring communication with a surrogate mother (at your request) Observance of full anonymity of genetic parents
all technoogies
- Support for surrogate motherhood and egg donation programs with remote participation A wide network of partner lawyers around the world to simplify legalization issues We conclude a formal contract that is recognized in Europe and the world The possibility of reimbursing part of the payment for your health insurance The package price includes the cost of a surrogate mother Guest services are provided for all our packages Highly qualified medical staff The ability to select an egg donor by photo, video, including using intelligent software search on a donor base Pregnancy management / management of the pregnancy with informing about the condition of the fetus and the surrogate mother
all technoogies
- Childbirth in a private maternity home with coverage of all risks of a newborn child Childbirth in Kiev economy class Childbirth in Kharkov with a full range of perinatal services and covering all risks Childbirth in CZECH REPUBLIC / USA / CANADA / SPAIN / BELGIUM / RUSSIA / UK / AUSTRIA / HOLLAND Provision of guest services while staying in Ukraine: Accommodation / meals / transfer / interpreting services / comfort during the process Full legal support. Multi-level system for protecting the rights of genetic parents. Legal settlement of the process of legalization of the rights on the child before receiving a passport Service of pediatricians and baby-sitters
Throughout the cooperation with the Feskov Human Reproduction Group, our clients show an increased interest in the surrogate mother: they select candidates for a long time, look forward to a personal meeting, ask a lot of questions to physicians and a personal coordinator. watch the full video
Package name
Services for fixed amount:
Customers medical consultations & examinations
Genetical examination of Customers/egg donor
IVF services
Fertility conditions treatment before IVF
Egg donor selection
Number of IVF programs to achieve pregnancy
Number of IVF programs
with own eggs
Number of embryo transfers
Waiting list for embryo transfer
(depend on marital status of surrogate mother)
Healthy embryo selection by PGD (NGS)
Sex determination
Sex selection
Pregnancy care / surrogate mother control
Surrogate mother financial compensations
Neonatal medical care
Partner delivery in private maternity hospital
Twins pregnancy care
Legal services
Guarantee of healthy baby birth
Covered risks
Guest services
Postnatal screening for single gene disorders
Cord blood / placental tissue cruopreservation
Money refunding services
Full range of risks coverage (IVF, pregnancy, legal support)
Own eggs for IVF
Special order for sex of baby
Special order for human genomics (perfect human creation)
Legal support
Pediatric services
37 500 EURO
By phenotype
Egg Donation – unlimited
Attempts are Limited
Not available
Additional payment
Up to 12th week
Comfort class
Standard set of tests
49 000 EURO
Full examination
Chromosomes level
Moderate conditions care
By photo/limited
Egg Donation – unlimited
Up to baby birth
Business class
A set of tests
70 000 EURO
Chromosomes + genes level
Advanced cases full coverage
Photo unlimited / video / meet
Egg Donation – unlimited
Unlimited. Full Guarantee success with own eggs
Included as special order
Special regimen
Included advanced care
Up to baby birth
Lux / advanced business class
Individual single gene disorders tests + screening
In which countries do you do surrogacy package?
read moreWe offer surrogacy motherhood packages with childbirth in UKRAINE, CZECH REPUBLIC / USA / CANADA / SPAIN / BELGIUM / RUSSIA / UK / AUSTRIA / HOLLAND. Cost of surrogate mother in Ukraine is economy class.What is surrogacy?
read moreIn simple words, this is a method of overcoming infertility, in which a healthy woman carries a foreign embryo during pregnancy, for those who cannot carry their child.Is a surrogate mother genetically related to the child?
read moreNo. Not in any way. A surrogate mother does not pass on her DNA in any way and is not genetically related to the child.In which countries is this service available?
read moreUkraine, Greece, Argentina, Canada. In these countries these services are cheaperIs it expensive to have a surrogate mother?
read moreThese are normal numbers for all countries. The price starts from $ 20,000, can reach 30,000, and 50,000 and above. This is determined by the child's country of birth, overhead costs, service levels and compensation arrangements. From what the cost of surrogacy is derived from, you can read in a special articleHow does surrogacy work in Ukraine?
read moreSurrogate motherhood in Ukraine works on the principle of all inclusive on a guaranteed basis with a multi-stage system and protection of the rights of genetic parents and the obligations of a surrogate mother.How long does the surrogacy process take?
read moreOn average, the program lasts a year and a half. But it depends on: - the presence of a waiting list in the program you have chosen, the availability of gender selection, whether your own or donor eggs are used, your citizenship, as well as the attitude of your Consulate. Our fastest program is 11 months.Who can participate in surrogacy programs in Ukraine?
read moreMarried couples who have a medical justification for treatment. This must be confirmed by a doctor, medical institution or test results taken at our clinic. Single women who want a child can participate with the correct description of the medical problem and the explanation of the reasons.What are the requirements for intended parents?
read moreThe total age of the intended parents must be no more than 110 years old together. Also, the presence of medical indications for treatment (we can do it in our clinic). The main thing is your desire to be parents and a clear formation of the task for the clinic.How much does a surrogate mother cost in Ecuador?
read moreNothing. The status of a surrogate mother is not regulated by law, so here we cannot talk about the services of a surrogate mother and about remuneration in the legal field of the country.