Foods to boost your fertility

Coming into the world of a child is a welcome and blessed event in the life of any couple.
- When you’re struggling to get pregnant
- Is there a diet that has a positive effect on fertility?
- Foods to boost fertility
Women who dream of becoming pregnant agree to almost everything, just to speed up the process - calculating fertile days, intricate poses during intimacy, and even the so-called "fertile" diets. Indeed, there are beliefs that if you eat meat, fish, vegetables, then a boy will be born, and if you eat milk, confectionery and nuts, then a girl. There is no scientific basis for such approvals, nor is there a special diet to boost conception.
However, if you lead a healthy, active lifestyle, quit bad habits, eat healthy and in a balanced manner - this will certainly benefit the body and a miracle will happen by itself. But what about single people without a couple who dream of a native baby? Center of surrogacy of the Clinic of professor Feskov implements guaranteed program packages for single people, with the involvement of a surrogate mother and a donor of genetic material, if necessary.
When you’re struggling to get pregnant
According to studies, in average couples without health problems, conception occurs on average after a year and a half of active efforts. Therefore, the waiting process can be quite lengthy, and this does not mean that something is wrong with the woman. The main thing is to be in a calm and relaxed state, because stress is not the best assistant in this matter. Quite the contrary - negative emotions and intense expectation significantly reduce the chances of conception. The body is struggling with the effects of stress and is definitely not up to pregnancy. Positive emotions, pleasant impression, full acceptance of the situation are to the rescue.
However, it will be appropriate and useful to pass an examination to ensure that with health in general and with reproductive function in particular, everything is in order. This applies not only to women, but also to men, since about 39% of cases of reproductive problems are observed in men.
If you can’t conceive and give birth in a natural way and, for various reasons, there is no way to leave your place of residence, Clinic of professor Feskov offers a remote program with the remote participation of a surrogate mother and donation. For its implementation, it is not necessary to come to Ukraine, all stages are carried out remotely, and communication - through modern means of communication.
Is there a diet that has a positive effect on fertility?
It is important to remember that fertility - in other words, the ability to conceive a normal child, is influenced by a large number of points - environment, genetics, physiology, lifestyle and others. Lifestyle is what can be adjusted :
- leave addictions (cigarettes, alcohol);
- good sleep;
- balance of daily rhythm (time for rest and activity);
- exercise, yoga;
- a variety of wholesome food;
- positive thinking.
All of these factors will significantly increase the chances of getting pregnant. What about nutrition? Is there a diet that has the most beneficial effect on the body, and hence on fertility?
According to the study, namely, the Mediterranean diet is the most balanced and healthy diet. In addition to the fact that it favorably affects the body as a whole, thanks to its useful ingredients, the hormonal background is leveled, the menstrual cycle becomes regular, problems associated with impaired ovulation disappear.
The Mediterranean diet is, by and large, the lifestyle of southern cheerful people living on the seasides of the Mediterranean Sea (southern France, Italy, Greece, Crete, Spain). It is characterized by:
- high consumption of vegetables and fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, bread products and other cereals;
- the use of olive oil everywhere;
- more - fish, less - meat;
- a sufficient amount of yogurt and fatty cheeses;
- preference for local, seasonal, fresh produce and freshly prepared home-made dishes.
In addition, the process of eating shouldn't be on the go, in a hurry, where and how it should be. For residents of the Mediterranean, food is not just fuel for life, but a celebration and enjoyment. When you can invite relatives and friends, conjure a culinary masterpiece together, and then enjoy tasting it with dances and songs.
Foods to boost fertility
And now, we will analyze in more detail what can and should be eaten in order to become a mother faster:
1. Olive oil, fish (especially salmon), seeds, nuts, avocados are valuable stores of omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fats.
2. Nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, etc. are low-calorie vegetable proteins that are very healthy.
3. Whole grain bakery products.
4. Fruits, cereals, green vegetables, cabbage, eggs, oranges - products that contain not only useful microelements, vitamins and antioxidants, but also folic acid. It is simply necessary for high quality eggs and normal development of the nervous system in the fetus.
5. Seafood, seaweed, feijoa contain a lot of iodine, which affects the thyroid gland and the regularity of the female cycle.
6. Meat, poultry with a low fat content are recommended in a moderate amount.
7. Whole milk and dairy products, such as fatty ice cream, are also needed in the daily diet of women wishing to conceive.
Also, general recommendations are as follows:
- drinking enough water and natural juices;
- keep food properly, especially perishable;
- и exclude caffeine, products with preservatives, dyes, trans fats, semi-finished products, fast food, etc .;
- take regularly vitamins in complexes, certainly with folic acid and vitamin D.
Such a diet isn't strict, with almost no contraindications. These nutritional ingredients can actually increase the ability to conceive if a woman has no health problems.
And if after treatment there is no positive result, high-impact reproductive technologies come to the rescue. The Center of surrogacy of the Clinic of professor Feskov is for those people who don't manage to leave their continuation in a natural way. We guarantee a 100% successful result!
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