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The First Meeting: 5 Helpful Tips for Surrogates & Intended Parents

Both the prospective parents and the woman about to become a gestational surrogate always feel anxious about their first meeting. In a way, it looks like a first date. In any case, the first personal communication will inevitably generate a lot of emotions. The main thing is to make sure that both sides are perfectly matched to each other, to set off on a joint journey of 9 months.

Dec 21, 2020
Media Misconceptions about Surrogacy

As more and more people turn to the help of surrogate mothers, understanding of the process in society is growing. However, social networks, the media and other sources of information do not always disseminate correct information and often give a wrong assessment of what is happening. Because of this, there are many misconceptions and myths about what this method of ART entails, both for intended parents and surrogates.

Dec 14, 2020
Do Surrogates Develop an Attachment With the Baby?

Ordinary people, as well as prospective parents, when trying to understand such a selfless act, often wonder about the formation of a surrogate mother's attachment to the fetus in the abdomen. How do you give up a child you’ve been bearing for nine months? The key to understanding lies in the fact that initially it is not her child, but only a responsible job. 

Oct 12, 2020
What to choose: to become mother or to keep figure?

Pregnancy and childbirth affect the figure of a woman - this is an immutable truth. Very often, after childbirth, a woman fails to return to her previous forms, the figure becomes heavier, and she gets overweight. For actresses, dancers, models and women of a number of other professions, this is a serious problem that has found a solution in our time.

Aug 12, 2019
Surrogate child – execution of documents

Today surrogacy is in high demand that is why many clinics have included this reproductive technology to the list of their offers. Married couples accordingly get possibility to choose among surrogacy clinics.

Apr 14, 2019
Technologies for Determining a Healthy Child

Health of the nation is determined by the degree of children’s health. This is an indicator of the present and future of the public. These arguments are generally comprehensible and do not require an explanation. And for sensible parents this is also the main goal, an important component of family well-being. Therefore, it is relevant to find out what are the technologies for determining a healthy child and what the term itself means.

Jul 20, 2017


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