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Four Most Common Treatments to Receive as a Fertility Clinic

Infertility treatment methods in a surrogacy clinic Feskov Human Reproduction Group

Jan 18, 2021
What Are The Benefits of Gender Selection?

The choice of the sex of the future child - votes for and against. What are the benefits and risks? Despite the fact that manipulation of the choice of the sex of the future child causes controversy in society, it is becoming more common. 

Jan 14, 2021
Why is a male fertility check important if you are struggling to conceive?

Almost 50% of childlessness in a couple is in a man: checking male fertility, one of the first steps to pregnancy

Jan 11, 2021
IVF at 40: Success rate for ivf over 40

Some women postpone pregnancy because of career ambitions, lack of stability in relationships, or simply not ready for motherhood. There are many reasons why a woman is in no hurry to have children. And this is her right. But what does this mean for her chances of a healthy pregnancy?

Jan 07, 2021
Surrogacy opportunities for single people at Feskov HRG

The surrogacy clinic is a place where long-term hopes for parenthood become a happy reality. A large percentage of families are couples who have turned to surrogacy due to infertility or genetic disorders. The next most significant percentage are single men and women who are looking for opportunities to become a parent of a healthy child. On the reproductive way of both of them, there should be no obstacles.

Jan 05, 2021
Surrogacy Contracts: Your Map for a Successful Surrogacy Journey

The surrogacy agreement is a document of paramount importance in the entire process. It protects the rights and interests of all participants in the event: intended parents, a surrogate and a baby. A well-written and detailed agreement acts as a roadmap, showing the sequence of actions, defining legal rights and obligations, providing clarity in the event of force majeure. 

Jan 04, 2021
Egg Donation: What Is It and How Does It Work?

When a couple is faced with the problem of conceiving an heir in a natural way, ART methods come to their aid. Often, IVF or “in vitro conception” under medical supervision resolves these issues. But what if there is no way to get normal oocytes from the expectant mother? In this case, donation is usually involved - when another woman donates her eggs to a couple to conceive a baby.

Dec 28, 2020
The First Meeting: 5 Helpful Tips for Surrogates & Intended Parents

Both the prospective parents and the woman about to become a gestational surrogate always feel anxious about their first meeting. In a way, it looks like a first date. In any case, the first personal communication will inevitably generate a lot of emotions. The main thing is to make sure that both sides are perfectly matched to each other, to set off on a joint journey of 9 months.

Dec 21, 2020
Media Misconceptions about Surrogacy

As more and more people turn to the help of surrogate mothers, understanding of the process in society is growing. However, social networks, the media and other sources of information do not always disseminate correct information and often give a wrong assessment of what is happening. Because of this, there are many misconceptions and myths about what this method of ART entails, both for intended parents and surrogates.

Dec 14, 2020
Now Feskov Human Reproduction Group in Brussels!

We see how many people around the world need reliable reproductive technologies, how many are looking for reliable information, but find contradictory. Therefore, Feskov HRG is expanding the geography of its presence: following the opening of a representative office in London, we are opening a representative office in Brussels!

Nov 21, 2020


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